Fires and Pharmacies – Settlement Survival (Part 36)

We had a fire break out again, but it was put out very quickly. We also unlocked the pharmacy which has helped with overall health in the city. We added some more schools and cemeteries. Enjoy this episode of Settlement Survival.

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Settlement Survival is an exciting and immersive video game that challenges players to build and manage their own settlement in a post-apocalyptic world. In this game, players must gather resources, build structures, and defend their settlement against raiders and mutants that threaten their survival. The game features stunning graphics, a captivating storyline, and a deep and engaging gameplay that will keep players entertained for hours.

At the start of the game, players are given a small group of survivors who are looking to establish a new home. Players must help these survivors build and expand their settlement, providing them with shelter, food, and resources. As the settlement grows, players must also defend against threats from raiders and mutants who want to take over the settlement or destroy it entirely.

One of the most exciting aspects of Settlement Survival is the variety of choices players can make in the game. They can choose to focus on building up their settlement’s infrastructure, or they can prioritize gathering resources to defend against threats. They can also choose to take a more peaceful approach and negotiate with raiders or focus on diplomacy to build alliances with other settlements.

The game also offers tough moral decisions that impact the survival of the settlement. For example, players may have to decide whether to help other settlements in need or prioritize their own needs. Players must also decide whether to be a benevolent leader who puts the needs of the settlement above their own or a ruthless dictator who puts their own power and control above everything else.

Settlement Survival features an extensive crafting system that allows players to create their own weapons, armor, and other essential items. Players can scavenge for resources in the surrounding areas, trade with other settlements, or even craft their own resources using a variety of tools and materials.

The game offers a challenging and engaging experience that will keep players coming back for more. With multiple difficulty levels, players can choose to play the game as a casual or hardcore gamer. The game also features a sandbox mode that allows players to build and explore without the pressure of survival.

Overall, Settlement Survival is a must-play game for fans of survival and strategy games. With its deep gameplay, stunning graphics, and engaging storyline, it’s a game that will keep players entertained for hours on end. Will you be able to lead your settlement to prosperity, or will it fall to ruin? The choice is yours in Settlement Survival.

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2 thoughts on “Fires and Pharmacies – Settlement Survival (Part 36)”

  1. I would strongly suggest you build a couple of water sawmills and get on your domestic fuel before that snowstorm hits. Use timber not dung for these. Or you can always buy domestic fuel too, but you'll need a lot of it. I'd go ahead and buy more of the down jackets too. You've got ~300 in reserves but ~500 people. I can't remember if this is your first snowstorm. They are no joke.

    Batch remodeling is great, but you need the supplies to use it. It won't let you just use what you have. I would actually not remodel the plain houses and instead do the luxury houses. And definitely upgrade the plain houses! My suggestion for the remodel is luxury furniture, which adds two people to the household, and a puppy, which reduces stress another 15%. If you have the boiler rooms covering your village you really don't need the bedding upgrades and cats only reduce 5% for some weird reason (the developer must not be a fan of cats lol). The reinforcement upgrade is for earthquakes mostly, so buildings don't get damaged. You can also find a shelter in your blueprints you build into a mountainside that you can call your villagers to if an earthquake is coming. Earthquakes are the most damaging disaster, but you're still a ways off from them appearing.

    Special medicine is used to upgrade clinics and hospitals so they have a larger radius. That's about it.

    I'd put one pharmacy on bandages and the other on medicinal powder. Both are very useful. You can also upgrade the herbalist hut if you have one, to a pharmacy.

    It was a good idea to put the cows in the new pastures. If you want to make higher tier foods, which helps with both happiness and stress, you'll need lots of butter. The top tier meat dishes all use it, as does the bakery.

    Overall, a really good episode 🙂 I'm glad your population wasn't taken out by that plague. It was a little worrisome at the beginning! I had that happen to one of my settlements. I went from ~700 people to zero in a matter of minutes. I abandoned that save lol.


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