Firefighters Rescue Elderly Horse With Helicopter #shorts

It was a different sort of ride for this horse who needed rescuing after it slipped on a trail in San Juan Capistrano, California. The Orange County Fire Authority team was called to save 25-year-old Sobe from where it was wedged in a confined area. Their crew worked with a veterinarian to free the horse, but they eventually realized a helicopter extraction was needed. Inside Edition Digital has more.


45 thoughts on “Firefighters Rescue Elderly Horse With Helicopter #shorts”

  1. It’s nice to see that we’re capable of showing a little humanity towards another species, they have done so much to help our lives out and provide us with a friendly companion to enjoy!

  2. 25 yrs old? that horses riding days should have been over a few years ago, no wonder the horse fell into a ditch, it can probably hardly see anything clearly at all!😒


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