Finding Massive Bases As We Head South ~ Occupy Mars

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Survive on Mars and colonize it! Build and upgrade your base, discover new regions, conduct mining operations, retrieve water and generate oxygen, grow crops, fix broken parts. Occupy Mars is a highly technical, open world, sandbox game about Mars colonization

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26 thoughts on “Finding Massive Bases As We Head South ~ Occupy Mars”

  1. Love this – want to see more. Too bad you can't fix some of these and make them habitable for others….. Oh, and one thing – if you go around deconstructing everything, it should be called "Restore Mars".

  2. I tired to explain the Philadelphia experiment but for some reason my comment keeps getting deleted, IDK if I'm using words that youtube has deemed "bad" or what. In short it is a hoax, there was a real Philadelphia experiment, but it was to see if degaussing hulls made ships "invisible" to magnetic mines, the rest of it was totally made up by a man named Carl M. Allen to scare an author named Morris K. Jessup.

  3. Try sitting down a radar tower at your survival shelter. Maybe when you go back to your base you'll still be able to see that far out.

  4. If you are going to break the rover down, just remember to empty it first, including the Tanks and Battery packs in the other side, maybe then you can add them into a new rover.

    You do know you dont "have" to stop, you could say to your self, im going to go 10K, and at 10K i can look at 5 bases, then i will go to 15k and im allowed another 5 bases. Its all random what you get, so only visit places if your looking for stuff,

    Oh and when you grind down a building with the stuff inside, its like an 80% chance the bits inside will vanish, so when you do this you loose out on stuff, stuff like seeds. Only way to do it is to search, then grind the things you want to grind. taking out a door or hallway should be fine to get in, but make sure its low enough to the ground to get into it first. LOL

  5. The frame rate is because of the boulders, especially ones that are broken down and fall out the world. When you reload they come back. Also when you go me areas it loads in not just the bases.

  6. I'm patiently waiting for them to release the update they are testing. I've been putting playing on hold for now. Once it's out though I think I'll do that same journey, 25k out from base and back. Sounds fun!

  7. Grill: โ€œI need solar cells for more solar panels!!!โ€

    Then proceeds to ignore 30 different solar panels because grinding is too boring.

    Sigh. Also โ€œI need to head southโ€ฆโ€
    Promptly heads West then North.๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. Nah man there is a slight issue with the blueprints. I still had the medium dome and plants crate to unlock but it kept telling me I had unlocked all the blueprints, after much spamming back and forth between the tech true and the abandoned tablets it finally gave them up to me. So if you still have blueprints to unlock, keep trying it will probably give it to you sooner or later

  9. There's no achievement for grinding down the rover if I recall correctly but it will definitely launch you at high speeds directly into the nearest rock

  10. The some of abandoned tablets are broken and will say u have learned all blue prints even when there are still locked blue prints u just have to keep trying every one u find to get the rest of the blue prints and when on the ATV pressing L will tern on the lights.


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