Finally Time to Talk About This Situation

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This is the greatest department scandal of All Time
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49 thoughts on “Finally Time to Talk About This Situation”

  1. I find it totally fucked that not once is anyone talking about the wives of all the married husbands, or using their names and faces. On duty is fucked up, but the cheating bit isn't any of our business, and the misogyny of it all pisses me off. I keep thinking feminism is useless and isn't needed anymore, but shit like this makes me wonder

  2. At my workplace its kinda normal, you often see two co workers traying to have sex. and you have to interrupt them.

    But i work with Dogs. Dogs do that, didn't know it happens with cops too

  3. Imagine being one of the men's wives that was cheated on and everything everywhere is only talking about how bad everyone feels for the husband. I get that women cheating is in our world is worse and more gross somehow than a man cheating but there are a lot of spouses that were heartbroken when this happened and I haven't seen one thing about any of them and this is the third video but a huge influencer talking about the husband.

  4. I disagree Charlie.
    If I found out that staff of my local subway was absolutely railing each other at work AND whole place was still able to stay competitive with seven other subways on that street, I would absolutely go there.

    But yeah, cops fucking at work is absolutely disgusting. Their job comes already with plenty benefits and enough pay.
    Retail work? Yeah sure, fuck each other or whatever, you barely get paid,at least have some satisfaction. But well paid and secure jobs require professionalism

  5. Charlie, I’m a female and I usually love your content, but I’m disappointed today. I expected to watch this video and see you call out not only Maegan but also the cops she was involved with. You talk about her cheating on her husband, but didn’t address if any of the men cheated on their spouses/girlfriends. Cheating sucks and what she did is shitty, but every person that engaged in sexual activity outside of a committed relationship here is shitty… not just her.

  6. you have gotta feel bad for the male officers who didn't have sex with her. 1 because even with her low standards you didn't make the cut and 2. if you were the wife/gf of one of the guys that didn't partake would you believe them when you read on the news she was seemingly fucking everyone except your bf

  7. Simps like the husband don’t deserve sympathy, real men would set boundaries that women can’t cross without consequences, he allowed her to go through all the levels of depravity without doing anything, and his statement was the cherry on top.. fuck him, her, and all the deranged scumbags involved.

  8. 5:00 What you said is completely true, if it happend on some fast food restaurant i wouldnt go there either but this is at a police department… what you gonna do if something happends? just not call the cops because people played twister at the building and just be like "welp, it is what it is i guess" 😂


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