FINALLY COMING: 115 M1A2 ABRAMS enters the border for strike Russian T-72's

FINALLY COMING: 115 M1A2 ABRAMS enters the border for strike Russian T-72’s


32 thoughts on “FINALLY COMING: 115 M1A2 ABRAMS enters the border for strike Russian T-72's”

  1. Germany should send their weapons to Ukraine to find out if their weapons are effective or game changer like the US so that they can upgrade and modify if there are a design flaw or defective desgn the target are free in Ukraine a lot of Russian tank.

  2. It really doesn't matter if it's too heavy for roads and bridges. Working in tandem with satellites and AWAC's the M1 can fire on targets it can't even see with pinpoint accuracy. She was used to great effect in Iraq with no roads at all. If this shipment is true, they could simply "post up" and be used as a defensive line/deterrent. Being destroyed by something you can't even see will further demoralize the Russian failed state! Best of luck lads!

  3. If we don't defend ourselves, with the help of the USA, we will be swallowed by imperialisms or Chinese communists, or Islamic terrorists or Russian Putinist Stalinists… since 1917, when the Russian communists managed to conquer the first country, the USSR, from there on wars and turmoil in the world, because the main objective of communism is the destruction of capitalist countries and Christian Western civilization, the elimination of the USA and all other democratic and capitalist countries, the domination of the world by Communism… and yet today with Putina Russia tries to rebuild belligerent, aggressive, imperialist communism… that's why it has to be defeated!!!

  4. These should defend Poland. Say 40 miles back from the Belarus border.

    Also really should send (forward positioning) another 115 as a just in case.

    Maybe a "try to buy" on every F-15-ex to both Poland and Taiwan?

  5. I served in vietnam on a m-48 tank. This tank weighed 52 tons, 90 MM main, 750 HP diesel , run pretty good with a air cooled engine. Top speed 25-30MPH. 4th inf. div. LZ Action.

  6. There should be no misunderstanding America is not going to explain to Russia there moves and sales .Why do people forget the saying "All is fare in love and war." However killing women and children unarmed men is neither war or love that is murder. Putin is a looser and Russia follows a looser. Thats their choice. The west has the right to do as it pleases them. Putin has no votes in NATO. πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βœŒοΈπŸ‘ŽπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ₯πŸŽ©βš°οΈπŸš­

  7. The tanks are a threat to Russia only because of the unwarranted invasion of Ukraine. Putin created his own problems. How much more will Putin disregard and make his people suffer?

  8. Someone said: Putin bought uniforms and boots from Chine for the new recruits, and the sizes are too small for the Russian soldiers, and he insists to send them on underwears to the front to fight the Ukranias, telling them, they go in…. SPECIAL OPERATION PARTY…… and all Russians are excited with the idea.


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