Finally begins! 3rd army of Ukraine prepares to strike Russian army in the heart!

Finally begins! 3rd army of Ukraine prepares to strike Russian army in the heart!


46 thoughts on “Finally begins! 3rd army of Ukraine prepares to strike Russian army in the heart!”

  1. Putin-fans on YouTube should realize they are using a US provided service to express their views. Why use the freedom of the west if you donΒ΄t support it? Why use Android, iPhone or Windows? Why fly Airbus and Boing airplanes? Why want a Mercedes or a Lamborghini and not a Lada? These were all made possible in the west by people that were free to live their dreams and listen to other peoples dreams. The hypocrisy of Russia and Putin supporters are sickening. Supporters of Russia and dictatorship should move to Russia or North Korea. The people of Ukraine are true to their dreams of democracy and freedom and support each other in fighting for that dream. Glory to the brave Ukrainian people, and keep up your wonderful sense of humour in these hard times! The western world will forever support your fight against Communism and Putin, just like we supported the war against Nazism and Hitler. Welcome in the EU and NATO family. Slava Ukraini with love and support from Sweden as proud new members of NATO.

  2. Putinitler o terrorista, o trafulha assassino , fascista, capitalistaΒ  e chantagista do Amargedon fez um contrato com o Diabo na ceifa de cabeΓ§as principalmente deΒ  Humanos pela fome,Β  de russos e Ucranianos, ele esconde-se no comunismo e usa os desgraΓ§ados dos comunistas. Ele copiou Hitler e juntou todas as forΓ§as disponΓ­veis para invadir a Europa , sΓ³ que surpresa o ser Humano jΓ‘ cada vez menos atura opressores. Viajou pela Europa afora engraxando os nossos polΓ­ticos na cooperação energΓ©tica e progresso lucrando cada vez mais , mas afinal juntava meios para destruir e dominar a Europa e nΓ£o para dar riqueza aos seus compatriotas. Agora como a Europa lhe descobriu a careca fez um Eixo com os presidentes Brochenaro, Chingapingas, Lavrov, Danidog, Brochenaro, Putinitler ele prΓ³pio, Maslachenco , Ramnotacovid19, CrilRaposa, o DiaboΒ  neste momento todos colaboram para destruir o nosso planeta com vista a serem imortais e dar ganhos imensos ao Besebu….Estaline tambΓ©mΒ  fez um contrato com o diabo vΓ‘rias vezes e sΓ³ com a fome matou 5 milhΓ΅es de Ucranianos, juntou-se a HitlerΒ  e foi traΓ­do por esteΒ  conseguindo ceifar as cabeΓ§as de vΓ‘rios milhΓ΅es de Russos.

    Agora Putinitler tornou-se o extreminador implacavel II irmão do extreminador implacavel I o nazista  e torna todos os Russos em nazis adorando em vez da suÑstica  a zuÑstica. Obriga Brochenaro a desflorestar a floresta Amazónia por forma esta substituir a UcrÒnia na produção de pão, Cril Raposa irÑ expulsar todos Africanos pobres de África por forma a inundar a Europa de refugiados, Maslachenco deixarÑ usar o país para base de ataque militar para atacar a Nato e UcrÒnia, a china irÑ ser o novo financiador da guerra permitindo as exportaçáes da Russia e os Outros fornecerão a carne humana para a guerra, com Danidog jÑ o faz..

    Depois Putinitler irΓ‘ cuspir no prato de todos os que lhe deram comida.

    Portanto para a raça humana a inflação serÑ a menor ameaça a maior é termos pescoço.


  3. So many sheep here. Blind to the reality of what is really happening in the world. Never questioning the narrative. Content with the propaganda they're spoon fed every day.

  4. The Ukrainian soldiers have come a long way in a very short time. Fast learners, strong, learned the use of all this high level equipment in 2 months or less & out to the field ready to go! Wow I’m very impressed. God bless and protect you ! β™₯οΈπŸ•ŠπŸ•Šβ™₯οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ₯°πŸƒπŸŒΊπŸƒβ™₯οΈπŸ•ŠπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ•Šβ™₯️ WOW !

  5. Ukraine has been using the HIMARS and other heavy weapons with great effect.
    Russian military is taking enormous damage but they'll pretty much be finished if US sends 300km ATACMS missiles. The new aid package will supposedly include those. Ukraine will be able to hit any weapons depot or headquarters anywhere in Ukraine including Crimea. Russia will be finished at that point.

  6. All the heavy weapons deployed to ukrine are not free of charge. Nato send those to Ukrine with bills to be sent later, nato countries will tell Ukrine that there is 'no free lunch', you pay or we take over your land.

  7. I still see you at my recommendation while your channel is just a bunch of stock footage stuff with a robot voice over. I really don't want to see this biased stuff of yours. Yes,sure it's appealing because I am deeply pro Ukraine but you are completely over the top.

  8. Wipe the Russian military from territory of Ukraine??? Oh, HELL NO!! Suggestion: give the Russian militarythe option of leaving Ukraine NOW, or be wiped off the face of the earth?

  9. 😲Never did I imagine over 25 countries need to be a military alliance, just because they fear 1 country(Russia).
    It shows Russia's strong leadership and professionalism of Russian soldier

  10. HIMARS has umpressive fire power which Russian army has no answer. Extremely mobile rapid firing and easily escape enemy return fire if any. Proven its worth as a precision guided munition able to hit 80 km and 270 km.


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