FINAL FANTASY FANTASIA Stream #28 | Thal's Balls

This is FINAL FANTASY FANTASIA. This is a different type of Marathon here is how this works:

-At the beginning of every stream I will spin the wheel, We play whatever it lands on.

-The Wheel has All main line Final Fantasy’s except 11 on it

-Sorry not paying for an 11 subscription for the chance that I may play it, I already play and pay for 14 so ill keep that on here just start a new character if we land on it.

-Whatever Final Fantasy it lands on we will start or continue. I am not COMPLETING the games but playing it through casually, and will finish when the story is done or in 12 & 14’s case when I feel I have played enough.

-So every Stream (most likely) we will be playing a different Final Fantasy.

-What version of the game I’m playing is listed below.

-Side Note: if this is a success and we decide once I beat some Final Fantasy’s we can add spin-offs and sequels onto the wheel or I can just have side/Spin-off stuff have its own wheel eventually.

Versions playing:
Final Fantasy 1-6: PC Pixel Remaster
Final Fantasy 7: PC Tsunamod Echo-S
Final Fantasy 8-10: PS4 Remaster
Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy 13: Original PS3
Final Fantasy 14: End Walker PS5
Final Fantasy 15: Royal Edition PS4

Hopefully this will be a fun different type of Marathon of Final Fantasy. Every stream will be something different (One week would could be playing FF15 Next, FF2 Then FF9, Just depends on how the wheel lands from Stream to Stream). If you want to see it live check out our twitch:
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