Final Fantasy 16: Flawed Beauty

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10 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 16: Flawed Beauty”

  1. If you're interested in more gay rep that is simply woven into the character interactions and not the Focus of the characters at hand, try 13 sentinels. it's a fantastic game outside of that with a very unique narrative experience, and I find someone even the people who have heard of it just never knew there's a gay endgame couple in it. the more you know!

  2. More seriously, the biggest criticism I heard of the game's story was that much of it is exceptionally and disproportionately miserable, particularly with regard to the hatred everyone seems to have for Bearers. Did you find that to be the case, at the start or across the whole game? Or does the later game change things up and curb the fantasy racism at least a little bit?

  3. Holy bro you honestly make some of the best videos in my opinion. The fact you only get THIS much recognition is actually criminal. Good video btw, keep up the good content pls.


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