Female Facial Hair & Hormones

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27 thoughts on “Female Facial Hair & Hormones”

  1. Alabama 🙂 So glad you are making this. I just started growing a lot of facial hair – thick hair that grows fast since last year and I notice my acne has gotten worse as well. I had my blood work done but the doctor is telling me I have no PCOS, thyroid is working properly, and testosterone levels are in normal range. He checked everything he could and found nothing. They set up an appointment with an endocrinologist next month to see if they could find any issues. He wanted to put me on birth control to see if it could stop the hair growth, but I told him no. I'm having weird pains in my neck as well and all of this started last year so I will tell the endo as well. Funny thing is, I have never had a regular cycle my whole entire life and even though all this is happening – my cycle has been regular since September of 2022.

  2. What about vellus hair that seems to be getting longer? …not coarse or dark, but longer and more noticeable/frustrating.

    And yeeees, I definitely agree that the bar of wellness within accessible health care is set way too low and impersonal. Why even go to doctors anymore?…most of the time, unless I already know exactly what I want or need, it's just a waste of time and money.

  3. I was diagnosed with PCOS since my early 20s, been battling with terminal hair ever since puberty. I’m working with a functional medicine doctor and doing everything you mentioned for about a year. Still a struggle and I’m not perfect with eating low-carb (I eat your chia bowl recipe and add hemp, and seed cycle) but I do find it helpful. I think I will always have to pluck/wax and shave. My hair is so thick that I don’t notice the hair loss. 😂 At 39 I was recently diagnosed with ADHD combined type (which is a whole other thing) so I hope once I’m on meds it’ll help me with the impulse eating to get my insulin levels even lower.

    Since my diagnosis, I’m curious about ADHD and nutrition. I think it will be similar, but dopamine levels are much lower that neurotypical people, so not sure what foods help with it. Avoiding sugar is a must and I know coffee helps calm me. I got off it with the PCOS but I admit to getting back on to help my focus.

  4. Thank you, I got scans and blood test done. And the doctor told me everything was fine.
    But I have a big issue with chin and lip hair, I need to shave everyday. And my head hair is thinning.
    The doctor never gave me any answers and just put me on birth control for 6 months. I don’t know what to do any more. 😢

  5. I have PCOS my doctor told me years ago to loose weight and I should be fine. I was only 140 then 😅. Now after having a baby at 39 my chin hair has gotten worse. I have about 10 thick hair growing on my chin and a couple on my cheek. I’m breastfeeding at the moment, and my hormones are clearly not balanced I’m also on the IUD Mirena. Is a high fat diet good for breastfeeding moms?

  6. Don't want to be mean and I know this video is a live, but the interruptions of saying hello to new viewers etc is super annoying. Still thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!!

  7. I went to an OB at 16 because my periods were irregular and she immediently put me on birth control. The only lab work she did was a pregnancy test so I had no way of knowing there was something wrong. At 21, my symptoms had only gotten worse so I went to a different OB who actually did tests and diagnosed me with PCOS with very high androgens. While she never pressured me to go on birth control, she did tell me that is all she could recommend as a medical professional because it was the primary treatments shown to "regulate a cycle". I wish I had known this information at 16 so I could understand what was going on with my body and could have implemented these interventions earlier. Get a good OB and do your research, ladies!

  8. How much magnesium do we need to take to balance the androgen levels please? I’ve had to have part of my right ovary removed because of a cyst and since then my hormones have been completely out of wak. I’m now peri menopausal with acne, oily skin and facial hair growth as well as thinning 😢

  9. I have excess terminal on the chin. To the point of having a 5 o’clock shadow 😢 thinning hair on my head as well. I will definitely get the magnesium, copper and zinc asap and keep you updated.

  10. I was diagnosed with PCOS around 10 years old and struggled with heavy periods, irregular cycles, bleeding outside of periods, excessive body hair and obesity. I was told in the past to lose weight before attempting any kind of treatment. I lost over 100lbs, maintained that loss for about 5 years but still saw no improvement in any of my symptoms. After bleeding and spotting non stop for about 2 months earlier this year, I finally managed to get an appointment with my GP, however, he was of no help, dismissive and prescribed me the pill. It was an awful experience, low mood, destruction of my sex drive and made me gain weight. I couldn't deal with it anymore so I stopped taking them and tried looking for an alternative that didn't include medication.

    I decided to learn more about my condition and I realised that my diet is a huge, if not the main componant in my symptoms. My high carb/sugar diet was not helping, PCOS makes you insulin resistant which makes you more sensitive to foods like bread, rice and cakes. It hinders your ability to release eggs which results in cycts on the ovaries. I've changed my diet to one of fasting, high fat, medium protein and very low carb/sugar and within the first 4 days of doing so, I stopped spotting and bleeding. After 5 more days I had a normal period with very little pain compared to the usual agony that I'm in and my hair growth slowed down quite a bit. Even the amount of hair that grows on my face had gone down, not to mention the wirey texture had also subsided. I've been eating like this for 3 weeks now, it's been a little bit hard but I think the more I understand PCOS and low carb diets, the easier it seems to be for me. This isn't something that will be gone within a month, if there's any significant change to be made, I need to stick to this for at least 6 months. But I've never felt better, I feel happier, I'm enjoying exploring new recipes and even losing a little bit more weight. I would recommend any woman suffering with PCOS to really look into low carb diets, specifically on how it affects this condition. Food is more of a healer than we realise.


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