Fearless Mom SUED by Teachers Union for QUESTIONING Kindergarten Curriculum

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32 thoughts on “Fearless Mom SUED by Teachers Union for QUESTIONING Kindergarten Curriculum”

  1. The right to peaceably assemble only applies to States if the Tenth Amendment means that a federally protected right is the purview of the Federal government. It is not being interpreted that way at this time.

  2. What is worse in this situation is the fact that a judge would even entertain this nonsense. This is clearly retaliatory litigation designed to intimidate parents by sending the message that they will be financially ruined for merely asking questions. I think it would be pertinent for lawmakers to hash out a bill that would make it illegal for unions to operate in the public sector. Public schools are an institution of the state, paid for by taxpayer dollars and the boards and staff who take a paycheck from these "institutions" are for all intents and purposes, government employees. Unions should not have access to public funding nor should they have the power to effect policy that deals with the public at large. Public school Curriculum is a form of public policy usually maintained by a state board but in some cases it is dictated at the local level. Either way, it is a policy that directly affects taxpayers and their children. Unions are entities that are supposed to protect workers from bad business practices, safety issues and predatory employment agreements and contracts. They have no business dabbling in policy that is clearly not within their purview. Lastly, I believe it to be a conflict of interest for a union to interfere on behalf of the employer (in this case, the school district) of the employees that it represents.

  3. We need to get rid of the teachers union and school boards and go back to a more efficient form of education. Like we had in the 50s, 60s and 70s. A time that created the internet, space probes, microwave ovens, and walking on the moon. Otherwise, take your kids out of these hell holes.

  4. We cannot just trust that standing on our constitutional rights will protect and help us prevail against the government anymore. The judiciary must be reformed, it's absolutely full of progressive activist's now, if we don't deal with that we have no chance!

  5. Whether we have school aged kids or not…REMEMBER..WE… the Tax Payers..pay their salaries!!

    EVERYONE has a vested interest in what's being taught! These kids are OUR FUTURE!!

  6. Time to accept progress unions live in the past they are antiquated dinosaurs 🦕
    Abstract teaching is ready for zoom ,internet privatization of there owner operatorship of their skills and trade. Close all energy vampire buildings of nepotism. Trade in the unions for online coops to sub contract their business.

  7. The real question is — who decided educating everyone collectively is a good thing. We have free access to education online now — We need to give up on the old industrial revolution idea of schools to educate en-masse.

  8. waaaaait is this that school district with that one superintendent thats afraid of white people? lady's better of homeschooling or sending the kids to private school


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