FBI Whistleblower's Jaw-Dropping Testimony

No serious law enforcement agency considers conservative parents standing up against child exploitation at school board meetings to be greater threats than those engaged in actual child exploitation, unless, perhaps, they had been weaponized against conservatives.

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30 thoughts on “FBI Whistleblower's Jaw-Dropping Testimony”

  1. This was during the TRUMP Administration!!! Why not go after those that put the wrong people in the FBI to do his Bidding!!! Oh right…they're blaming a different Administration so that they can lower his pole #s. While at the same time destroying the FBI. Here is an idea….If the GOP is so concerned…Fix it!!!!

  2. Is this the guy who illegally downloaded information from an FBI computer or the one who was sympathetic to the January 6th insurrectionist and lied about the information that he was able to find out about them because none of these people who testify before congress was an actual whistleblower they were all fired for cause because they were traitors

  3. I discovered several decades ago as a faceless nobody in obscurity, what's it like to endure literally years, of grinding poverty/robbed of my means to support myself/pay my taxes/build up good credit ratings etc. • what happens to whistle-blowers on corruption and criminality in America • while mainstream Christianity suppressed this from millions of people's awareness for several decades!!! THIS DUE TO THE TRAGIC TREASONOUS CONDITION PROTESTANT EVANGELICAL MAINSTREAM CHRISTIANITY IS VERIFIABLY ENSLAVED IN THE OMINOUS CONDITION OF NATIONWIDE!!!

  4. This more than courageous gentleman should be the HEAD OF THE FBI. Then, he should fire all the inept, traitors who want destroy our beloved country, and send them to Cuba where you cannot find Kleenex in all the stores!!!

  5. This guy sounds like hes full of fuckin shit.. as in like paid by conservative republicans full of shit.. and its also kids funny the guy questioning him is under investigation for child sex crimes!!!


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