Father fatally shot during test drive for car he was trying to sell, Arlington police say

A 55-year-old father was shot and killed while trying to sell a car in Arlington, Texas, on Tuesday night, police said.


23 thoughts on “Father fatally shot during test drive for car he was trying to sell, Arlington police say”

  1. It's time to start taking an eye for a eye. Jail time doesn't scare these animals, maybe knowing that if you do something like this , that you will be killed might help and yes that includes juveniles.

  2. I don't think we could have predicted what lack of empathy caused by friendly parents, constant screen time playing violent games, and schools that give out sticker and stars for the slightest effort at participation in learning. This every state USA

  3. No reason to arrest them. At most they will be charged with illegal parking. Criminals do this because they have NO FEAR of punishment. They know full well they will be offered a sweet plea deal. Same as always. Cops arrest them, lib courts release them.

  4. Why you’d even answer the door for these two little hoods is beyond me. I get you’re trying to sell a car but seems to me like the vast majority of people out there are worthless scamming shitheads like these two clowns.

  5. My condolences to the family and friends of the victim.
    They. Be. Huntin. Every. Day.

    Already being taught to be
    Weak, Useless, Gutless Savages…and they're still teenagers. Must be a "rite of passage" thing…smh


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