Farmers Bloodhounds Notgrove 2023 – Flash

A great day at the FBH closing meet yesterday, Flash was awesome and guess who managed not to fall off him!! (tell me how I managed to avoid it all season then came off him twice last time) 😂
Anyway, we had a couple of oopsies; the first when I put him on a complete misser into a set of rails up a bit of a hill so (rightfully so) he didn’t take off, once we came again and I got it right he popped it so sweetly, doesn’t hold a grudge thankfully 🥰
Then he completely saved me over lots of other sets of rails where I scuffed it up, he is such a superstar honestly he tolerates so much🥹
The hedge caught a fair few horses out running down the hillside rather than over it so Flash trying to be the polite hunter (rather than the warrior hunt race horse he becomes in a snaffle) followed his pals. Not to miss out on the one hedge of the day we reapproached with a superb lead from Claire (and some encouragement from me) and he jumped it beautifully! Good boy Flash 🧡


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