Farm Chores: Stick Season in Vermont

GREAT NEWS! Both the PAPERBACK and the HARDCOVER editions of Toby Dog of Gold Shaw Farm are now available on Amazon:


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Gold Shaw Farm
PO Box 225
Peacham, VT 05862

About Gold Shaw Farm: Gold Shaw Farm is more of a farm-in-progress than an honest-to-goodness farm. Our dream is that someday, we can transform our 150+ acre parcel of land into a regenerative and productive homestead and farm.


47 thoughts on “Farm Chores: Stick Season in Vermont”

  1. have you thought about getting the girlies feet checked out? the hoof looked a little overgrown when she was scratching her face.

    i know you mentioned the vet is closing but i think they are usually done by hoof trimmers not vets so its possible you might find some in your area.

  2. Yes! Thank you Morgan. Loved this. I didn't realise just hearing you greet the animals and such, just made this video awesome.
    I've never been able to get through a whole one previously.
    I'm a long time watcher but I watch on my TV and so don't comment often. But I had to on this!. Plus my new puppy loves to watch with me. Also your channel is so lovely topic to chat about with an auntie which is so fun. Much love from Hampshire, England.

  3. Morgan, i think that podcast you had with Carina didn't need to be that intense. It was good to have but there is a clear distinction as to the farming she is doing and the farming content she expects out of you vs the farming that you are actually doing. I always came to the impression that you are a 'hobby farmer' and that you are new to it and that the content basically shows your journey, nothing more nothing less. Each farmer's journey is different. I think to those that dislike the information that you're portraying, why not just simply put a disclaimer and as much info in the description of your videos. Like saying "Hi, I'm a <inserttypeoffarmer>. I am not an expert farmer. I generate my income from both content creation (x%) and farming (x%). I invest my content earnings back into the farm etc. etc." That way no one can 'hate' you for how you're running your farm. Seems pretty simple.

  4. And just to add, maybe once a year, do a livestream Q&A where you go into detail what's new on the farm, how you did for the year, where does money go. then put a link to that q&a in every video. seems you'll have everything covered that way. I'm a subscriber, and know nothing about farming but enjoy your videos. Keep up the great work.

  5. Morgan, you don't have to spend every hour of the day providing us every detail of your process. I come here to see your lovely farm and your cute livestock and to listen to the occasional dad joke. You do you dude. 🙂

  6. In your episode with Carina I appreciate your tact with people who want to find any way to take you down. I do not understand GAP, yet I know you do, and I can see you allude to it in your financial annual episodes. Now granted there are fakes out there who do not add things up correctly. However you, Morgan, are a born story teller. With this in mind the intertwining of the farm and the story is, for me, an easy bridge to cross. Yeah not every farmer is a good story teller, not everyone can make a buck on stage (internet) spinning a yarn, but you do it and very successfully. I subscribe to many YT creators. I do not own a TV. The internet and YT are my “TV”. All my channels are there when I want them, and they are all entertaining. I try many new channels all the time. Most can not tell the story or fail at the endeavor they talk about. Thus you are a very good two headed creature, farmer and storyteller.

  7. Hey Morgan just saw your new video I wanted to give you a couple of tips that might help for cattle one I saw you have a temporary fence lane down from the top pasture might not be a bad idea to make that permanent second mabey using some of you new barn/building a hay shed for your bails a hay spear rather that huger for bails and for your cows as grass feed cows some minerals and actually dry hay not silage bales making a concrete floor barn yard with durable metal fence not your tones of gates you bought your cows can just push those around actually round bale feeder a cattle brush for inside the barn on the wall and beding the cattle with straw hay corn foter somthing

  8. I have to mention how much I enjoy the flock – especially the ducks – enjoying the swales. This is the first summer in which the flock has been out and using the whole of the orchard, and it's such a treat to see them all living their best lives utilising your farm as you envisioned.

  9. Love the longer shots of all the animals. Nice to see them do their thing. Would be nice to see the pigs move to a new area. I watch all but the podcast videos and haven't heard news about the pigs other than they enjoy apples!

  10. Sad comments are turned off on the new video.. Strait up a “NoneYa” scenario.. Cool for people to have questions, not cool to get mad or feel some sorta way, cause you have new equipment you’re not up to scale, where is your money coming from, none your Effen, business.. I find it crazy someone could be mad about that and make a video against you for it.. Just crazy. Honestly I couldn’t make it half way through the video.. Her concerns are all self centered opinions.. Just crazy how people
    Feel so entitled now day and if you aren’t doing the way the want, something is wrong.

  11. I stopped watching the Carina video at the 3:00 mark when I realized you didn't want any comments.
    If there were negative comments, that's reality. Closing comments is closing reality.
    You have no duty to protect her from her views, Morgan. Closing comments is a disservice to your loyal followers.

  12. There is no reason why you should of turned off comments on the newest video with Karen. Ik you listen to us let us voice our opinions we all respect you and how well you treat your farm and animals

  13. You BLOCKED COMMENTS on your latest video, and I so much wanted to push back at this woman saying they you’re hiding costs in your homesteading. I’ve been watching you since the very beginning of your videos. I can’t full assure to this lady that she has not watch since the beginning. She has put herself in a position of to criticize you for not doing things that you have absolutely done. It makes me pretty angry because she’s the one who isn’t fully in truth. She’s living in halve truths in order to be unkind and it makes me angry. I’m grad you had the conversation and I’m sorry you have to block folks based on the fact that they insist on being unkind.

  14. Oh. You didn't disable comments on this thread? Pretty cowardly for you to do it on the other. Was that to spare her feelings, should people criticize her? Lost some respect for you over disabling comments on that video.

  15. I’m assuming comments are off on your latest video because everyone roasted that lady. Kudos to you Morgan for confronting her and kudos to her for standing behind her comments. Even though she was way off base with her opinions and more than “a little grumpy” we should all give her credit for having the courage to have her opinion challenged on a public forum. ✌️ 💗

  16. Did I hear Ravens calling in the background near the start of the video? (Time stamp 1:08) Ravens are so neat & they have been spreading back to their historical territory-would love to know if they are in northern Vermont!❤🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛

  17. Very relaxing video . I only have one question regarding your ducks. Since in the begging you started as selling khaki cambel ducks eggs who are prolific egglayers. But now you have mixed breed and you don't seem as invested in the duck operation. Do you still sell fertile eggs but you don't care about the breed?Will you purchase a khaki cambel drake or do you maintain your flock as a bit extra money on the side but your are not necessarily as invested on them anymore?

  18. Morgan, since you turned off the comments on your Carine video (for her protection), I chose this video to rant on. HOW DARE SHE!!! You explain in EVERY video that you are an ecosystem farm, and the how and why of you're farm being small scaled! I understand that you wanted your GOTCHA moment with her, but if she truly has watched your content for years, she would've known all this. She's jealous and enviously bitter about you and your farm's success. I had to leave a comment about this bc you've ALWAYS been honest and your explanation about the scale of your farm is literally obviously given in every video…an ecosystem and you control your ecosystem bc of its small scale.

  19. Out of that whole conversation that you just have with that woman that you turned off your comments okay what was the point of it like really I out of all of it I could not understand what was the point of the whole entire thing

  20. What a blessed adventure with you on the farm today.
    Going along for chores, listening to the animals, is so peaceful to me. Brings back memories.
    This sure helps my depression. Thank you so much for sharing.

  21. I love watching your videos…..I enjoy seeing your unique farm n how u combine the farm & social media..watched the podcast conversation and honestly I don't see how u didn't just call the woman out on her obvious jealousy….keep up the fantastic work and ignore the haters 😉 😀


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