#fantasia #airbnb #celebritynews #trending #whatshappening #singer



  1. Stop with the " She is going to loose the case" you don't even know if she will. If what SHE stated, not you internet trolls stated is true. Then a lawyer will request video surveillance to verify her perspective. Assuming there is audio, considering it's a NOISE complaint. Supposedly that's one way the owner viewed the situation. Also the owner stated to Fantasia. In her social media post she mentioned a few of the TERMS which lead to no justification of her getting kicked out. More likely the neighbors didn't want THEM there so complained. The owner switly responded.
    The video should show the kids not being active after 9 as the owner stated especially if the kids are not outside partying. So the owners case would be centered around noisy kids disrupting neighbors at 9pm or after. Also if it's true that others are listed on contract as visitors then more than likely the just burden of proof is for the owner that Fantasia and visitor's were not allowed and was disturbing the peace. PROVE IT. If not then run Fantasia her check. If you racists want to take the racism out of this, then fine. Though the disrespect is still there. As she stated they had no prior warning. Is that part of Airbandb laws or rules? To kick you out at 6 am. As an owner I would call and say can you tone it down a little or even swing by. Its my property. So prove it owner or run her back her check. Then pay her son for pain and suffering lol.

  2. This needs to be fixed. She needs a public apology. Also, remove the listing. I bet you the owner would be begging to give her and the kids a free weekend. I agree with everyone else. It was discrimination bc she was a POC. The neighbors are not accustomed to diversity as we now can see.

  3. I'm just to emotional to write. We know EXACTLY what happened…. SHUT the host right where it hurt BANKRUPT. He more than likely still have a mortgage on that lake front property. Then when it's up for bankruptcy we can buy it pennies on a dollar.

  4. I feel Fantasia’s pain, however every AirBNB I’ve rented the agreement was absolutely NO parties and every guest in the home must be approved by the host. Most ppl do kids parties at hotel suites. As hurtful as this was it was not about race. It clearly states what’s not permitted in EVERY agreement 😊

  5. It’s amazing the standard that white people have when it comes to them and black people. If this was a white family they wouldn’t have taken a second look. As if they are the only ones that deserve to enjoy their lives!

  6. This pissed me off so bad. I use to work for Airbnb and I got clients calling to complain about racist host. She will have o go through a mediation and let AirBNB put the strike on the owner/host. They like to let the owner and guest work it out and it’s not always possible. If the host asked them to leave the charge should go on her. She definitely needs to photograph the place, give the address and the owner/ host info so people won’t rent their space ever again. Lots of these folks lost on multiple sites, they don’t need to make any money on nobody, vacasa,Vrbo etc….

  7. The Air BNB host is lucky the address was not "leaked". Really it was probably the racist neighbors who complained. They just want to stop the house from being rented to anyone. I am sorry the birthday weekend was ruined.

  8. Racism is real and it’s still going on in this crazy world we live in. I’m sorry the kids had to go through this. This broke my heart. Ppl need to stop being so damn hateful. Like Fantasia said she could have stayed home but her baby wanted to go too an Airbnb with a few friends and the kids had to experience racism. What is this crazy world coming too


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