Fans Outraged Over Fantasia and Color Purple Oscar Snub!

thecolorpurple #oscars #news The 2024 Oscar nominations were revealed. ⭐ Connect With Me ⭐ CASH APP $aaronekeenan …


21 thoughts on “Fans Outraged Over Fantasia and Color Purple Oscar Snub!”

  1. I think people didn't go see the movie out of solidarity to the cast. As a consumer I refuse to put more money in the pockets of executives.

    I'm sure less than 10% of that astronomical $100 million dollar budget went to paying the salaries of the top cast members.

    In all fairness, saying the movie flopped without giving more context feeds into that false narrative that "Black movies don't make money". These production companies need to be put on blast and shamed. Not the actors that are asking for fair compensation & recognition.

  2. Taraji destroyed the movie for everyone. She did not have to take the job and discuss her issues behind closed doors. Last year, Will Smith slapped Chris and destroyed it for All Black People. Those white people do not want any fighting anywhere.

  3. The movie was not that damn great. The end.

    P.S. I love fantasia down but I hated she was the only one who sounded like a slave the entire movie. We champion Fantasia for her story, but her acting was not great.

  4. Quiet as it's kept and loud, this movie has been on the bootleg sites in HD since it's been out. No one asked for this movie, and it reflects Oprah's vanity! We are in 2024; who was the test market!! Negros trying to be in Wakanda and the Creator! Oprah, we are free grand-auntie, and we are not looking backwards! My Kidahdah!

  5. Fantasia didn't get enough screen time to really shine. The Academy won't give a nod to an all Black Cast musical and i thought the press tour diminished any hope for the movie. IMO it shouldn't have never been a remake, especially a musical.

  6. Maybe they meant Halle with her Original Song Oscar nomination for The Color Purple. Her song is good. It did make the Short ist but not the final cut. I think TCP deserved to be in Best Picture, Costuming, Makeup, Song and Score. Taraji and Fantasia deserved nominations as well. Fantasia got a BAFTA nomination which is equivalent to an Emmy though lol! We know the U.S. film academy sucks big time. The Black Reel Awards are better than the Oscars in my opinion. Oscar wins don't really do much for black women. Ask Viola Davis.

  7. There are only 5 nominations. No one should complain about someone left out that should've been nominated unless they're willing to call out the name of another actress to take away her nomination.


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