Families in desperate search for loved ones as Maui fires death toll rises

Families are still searching for their loved ones as the death toll rises in the aftermath of the wildfires on the island of Maui. Many residents are desperate to survey the extent of damage in the historic town of Lahaina. NBC News’ Tom Llamas has more.

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#Maui #Wildfire #Lahaina


39 thoughts on “Families in desperate search for loved ones as Maui fires death toll rises”

  1. Hurricane winds! Turned it into a blast furnace. Akin to a blow torch. No one had time to respond, not even first responders. Nobody is to blame except, whoever started the fire! It was too strong, and too god damned fast! Pointing fingers isn’t helping anyone right now.

  2. 2:25 Neither Maui's fire chief or top emergency-management official were present on the island.

    So, "money" job$ who immediately go into coward-mode by not responding to NBC, or any other media outlet.

  3. How could the warning system be suddenly ready to "alert" people when the fires were being moved by winds up to 80 m.p.h.? People are always looking for someone to blame, but I see it as a rapid moving emergency that couldn't be planned for. A tsunami wave potentially comes from far away and allows for enough time to sound alarms. A fast-moving fire, not so much.

  4. ssage



    Your Content

    Jeremiah 29

    King James Version

    29 Now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem unto the residue of the elders which were carried away captives, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon;

    2 (After that Jeconiah the king, and the queen, and the eunuchs, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, and the carpenters, and the smiths, were departed from Jerusalem;)

    3 By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) saying,

    4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, unto all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon;

    5 Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them;

    6 Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; that ye may be increased there, and not diminished.

    7 And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.

    8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.

    9 For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not sent them, saith the Lord.

    10 For thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.

    11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

    12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

    13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

    14 And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

    15 Because ye have said, The Lord hath raised us up prophets in Babylon;

    16 Know that thus saith the Lord of the king that sitteth upon the throne of David, and of all the people that dwelleth in this city, and of your brethren that are not gone forth with you into captivity;

    17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will send upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

    18 And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:

    19 Because they have not hearkened to my words, saith the Lord, which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; but ye would not hear, saith the Lord.

  5. President Biden is missing in action but he's a little busy right now dealing with Ukraine and also he's got to give them billions of our tax dollars and he's just too busy right now to go to Hawaii

  6. Our government needs to start putting Americans first! It's been quite a while since that! I have numerous friends on Maui & in all of the Hawaiian islands. We Americans need all those resources you're sending & diverting to other countries. You're too busy profiteering from war-mongering!

    We the people can't catch a break with rising housing costs, rising rent, rising food, rising gasoline, autos & basic necessities. You're ruining the country! Fentanyl being brought into our country is destroying individuals' lives, families & entire communities!!! Our lower & middle class families all across the country are suffering because of your greed & crony corruption! We need change now!

    I pray for these Maui residents & hope they get housed at no-cost to them for as long as they need so they can start to heal, process & rebuild their lives.

    Stop representing only elite interests with your only motivation being profits over people. That's ruining America! We the people, people 1st!

  7. As walking all over the bodies and crushing bodies so the professionals have a hard time identifying and recovering them, there's nothing there people for you to see or do leave the professionals to their jobs and quit making it harder

  8. Why don't these news people how hard it is to find and recover bodies in a burned- structure instead of getting everybody all upset about something they cannot do anything about he's like an accident on the freeway too many looky-loos when I get in there

  9. O how i love Grand Master JAY YAHUWAH Anointed Hebrew Servant from the Priestly tribe of Levi!
    O how i love the awakening that is taking place at this time , the afflicted of our Supreme Leader Grand Master is causing us to intercede and inquire to YAHUWAH on His and our HEBREW Ancestor.
    O YAHUWAH we praised and gloryfy You, O Most High.
    Can you see that YAHUWAH is making the whole world 🌎 uncomfortable 😣 because of the lawless abominable Currupt Atrocities against GRAND MASTER JAY, by this Rome Beast System.
    One does not touch YAHUWAH Anointed Hebrew Servant and not severely punished by YAHUWAH. Read the account of the nations that oppressed plunderer out Hebrews Ancestors and prophets and find out how YAHUWAH destroyed Every one of then and their children.


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