FALLOUT (World War 3 & Nuclear Devastation Lore + History) EXPLAINED

With the recent release of the Amazon Prime adaptation of the beloved Fallout video game series, I thought it would be a good idea to explore the games and their lore in depth, so viewers can understand what made them so special.

Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2022, Fallout started as an isometric RPG heavily influenced by tabletop RPGs. Created by Tim Cain and his team at Interplay Productions, the original Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role-Playing Game envisioned a world inspired by Mad Max, where bright Atomic Age aesthetics met the stark moral dilemmas of a harsh post-nuclear landscape.

Set in a future where an alternative history diverges post-World War II, American culture remains fixed in the 1950s until a catastrophic war with China in 2077 over scarce resources ends dramatically in nuclear fallout.
In the mid-2000s, Bethesda Softworks acquired the rights to Fallout, transitioning it into three-dimensional gameplay with Fallout 3, which was followed by several sequels and spin-offs.

Hey guys whats happening? Niyat here with film comics explained, and today we’re going to dive into the complex history and lore of the Great War that destroyed modern civilisation and led to the setting and fallout ridden world of the games. I’m planning on covering the mechanics of the Fallout series, the story in each of the main games, in addition to the entire television series, in two more separate videos, likely next week, but for the purposes of this video, we’ll be focusing on the events the led to the destruction of the world.

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Hey there folks!! My name is Niyat and this channel was created to assist in answering all your questions about Films, Comics, Games and Popular culture in a fun and engaging way!

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26 thoughts on “FALLOUT (World War 3 & Nuclear Devastation Lore + History) EXPLAINED”

  1. If think about fact that coporation profited heavy from this war then launched own nuke to fire start it, for own interests, heavily parrells what going on now!!!!!!! These rich elitest don't care about us, if all go up in flames not going effect them personally in slightest.

    Its kinda scary when you think about it.

  2. I'd love to see how the rest of the world fared after the war. Europe especially seems set up to recover decently well, all things considered. Not only does rebuilding after wars, plagues and societal collapses make up the majority of Europe's history since antiquity, it also was too busy with its own struggles to get involved in the war between America and China, or make grandiose self-sabotaging plans like the Enclave.

    With relatively few direct nukes (only targets of opportunity by other nation states or indiscriminate bombing by America/China) large parts of society would have survived the event itself. While already short on resources and now even shorter on time, they would have had enough time to at least somewhat prepare for the coming nuclear winter – re-establishing the disrupted communications, archiving knowledge and preserving crops in case the fallout ruins current harvests beyond repair.
    You'd see Europe largely regress into smaller communities of survivors, comparable to the fractured feudal landscape of the middle ages. However, with knowledge preserved, the end of the immediate nuclear winter would jump-start new growth, quickly returning Europe as a whole to a pretty functional state, all things considered.

    It would still take them the first century after the war until they can even consider making any attempts at re-connecting with the outside world, between disputes among nations and the slow establishment of new efficient power sources. Eventually they send out their first scouting parties, especially to their cousins in America. However, between the Enclave's manipulation and the dominant faction's stubborn pride (and to varying degrees internalized xenophobia) they make it very clear that these scouts are not welcome on American soil, preventing any other serious attempts for quite a while.

    Could make for an interesting faction for a future Fallout game: A European high-tech exploration ship off the coast of the region, trying to get an image of how America fared these past centuries. As the player you can decide to help them establish outposts (and inadvertently undermine the local power structure because the population flocks to these new amenities) or you side with one of the local factions and try to seize their advanced tech for yourself.

  3. I don't think society really stayed in the 50s, in fallout the TV show you see women with high level corporate jobs, Nora from FO4 was a lawyer, FO76 showed that pre war women had combat assignments in the military

  4. Its a shame there isn't much details about the Battle on the moon(Sea of Tranquility Conflict) , Im pretty sure The US lost that one since the info is very little that it happened so they might be covering it up.

  5. Actually from what I've read over the years (and yes there's disputes/variations on this), the Chinese mostly dropped smaller fission weapons (like Nagasaki or larger) but in huge numbers and ground burst many of them, not air burst. The area around Las Vegas, for example, was targeted by 77 nukes for example!
    That caused massively more physical damage than a few airburst megaton bombs, is more reliable (a smaller number of megaton weapons would be more prone to being foiled by glitches or interceptors) it also ensure more firestorms ("Ring of Fire" effect), and produce vast amounts of fallout which would kill far more folk than blast, fire and direct radiation (Note this is based on real science!)
    Added to which all the fusion or fission powered vehicles, factories etc got blasted and reactor materials exposed, fission reactors produce WAY more radioactives than bombs ever could adn with much longer half-lives.
    Ergo, the Chinese ensured the destruction of America by long term as well as short term destruction!

  6. I’m super excited to watch this. I’m a huge fallout fan, even played Fallout 2 a little. Watched and done playthroughs of all 8 fallout games; watched hours of lore videos. It’s fun to see a creator I watch every now and then cover something that I enjoy.

  7. So the Chinese in fallout lore got their butts kicked in Alaska, invaded by US army on Chinese mainland soil, and couldn’t accept the fact that as the losers that the USA was not going to stop FEV testing so….. being sore losers fired nuclear warheads first (source Tim Cain) and doomed the world?

  8. 14:48 – “Trench Warfare.. in Alaska” I honestly can’t see this as all that realistic, since all trenches would have to be dug in the limited amount of time that there isn’t permafrost. I guess I’m not all that familiar with trench warfare, but there certainly wouldn’t be a whole lot of troop mobilization(i.e. new trenches), apart from during the few summer months.

  9. I dunno what u guys think about it but what about a fallout game where you have the option to start as something diff maybe a ghoul or a super mutant, maybe part of the brotherhood or the ncr something like that

  10. Farmland could be used to create pine and palm tree you can create turpentine (substitute for gasoline) and palm oil (substitute for diesel) it would be expensive but sustainable… we'd adjust by developing smaller more fuel efficient vehicles and engines. We'd adjust….

  11. Imagine Chinese Communists infiltrating the United States and causing instability, stealing scientific data, and generally undermining the United States and its place in the global hierarchy.

    Only in a video game could something so fanciful happen.


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