FALLOUT TV Series Ending Explained

I review, breakdown and explain Fallout Amazon Prime Video. I discuss the ending to the TV series and react to characters such as Lucy, Maximus, Coop, The Ghouls, Moldaver, Norm, Hank and where he ended up during the end. I also compare it to the game, the hidden easter eggs and give my theories and predictions on season 2.

00:00 Intro
00:37 Fallout Amazon Prime Breakdown
08:44 Fallout TV Series Review
10:42 Outro

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Music: Emmit Fenn – Allegro

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30 thoughts on “FALLOUT TV Series Ending Explained”

  1. I've never played the video game, but I watched the series and loved it. I can't wait for season 2!
    In my opinion, this series in fact indirectly shows the current state of the progressive left and the elites in the US and other Western countries, who present themselves as anti-fascists but in reality, have become anti-democratic and totalitarian.
    Coop's wife, Barb, for example. Even though she's a nicely-dressed soft-spoken African-American woman and not a raving-moustached Austrian German in a military-styled suit, she has the same goal as Hitler did: starting a war to exterminate the so-called "subhumans", i.e. ordinary people, so that the "super race", i.e. her and her cronies, could rule the earth.
    Another example is Vault-Tec. Although it operates as a company, it isn't, because a company is essentially a business and the whole purpose of a business is to make money. Wars don't make money and that's why every business, even one that produces weapons and other war materials, would not support starting a war that brings the end of the world. A company prioritising ideas above profits and using its resources to promote a certain ideology, even if it's a destructive and heinous vision like Vault-Tec's, is more like a political party or cult. This is the same with social media companies in our world that seek to impose a progressive leftist worldview on their consumers, even if such a worldview harms their profits.

  2. The biggest plothole is Vault 32 (SPOILERS AHEAD)

    It had been destroyed apparently by a lab-rat type experiment with famine, 2 years before the show takes place.

    Ok… considering Vault 32 and 33 had Vault 31 Overseers… and considering Vault 31 were all hibernating Vault Tec employees, I find it dubious they would put the Vault Tec employee in such a dangerous situation, part of the experiment and that he wouldn´t know of the experiment himself.

    But that's hardly the problem… how come neither Vault 31 (the brain in a jar "overseer") nor Hank McLean, or Betty Pearson or the blonde pregnant woman, ALL from Vault 31 and thus Vault Tec employees, hadn´t known Vault 32 had been destroyed… for 2 years??

    I mean, when Norm McLean investigates, he is able to contact Vault 31 as if he was Betty. All the Vaults were connected. Plus, Vault 33 contacts Vault 32 in the first episode, requesting a male for marriage to Lucy.

    So it makes no sense Vault 31 and 33 were in the dark regarding 32's situation. If they KNEW what had happened, how come they still sent a message to 32 asking for the male for marriage to Lucy????

    But even worse is that despite the Vault being clearly a graveyeard for TWO WHOLE YEARS, they send the message to Vault 32 and the message is answered by Raiders led by Moldaver… who happen to be inside Vault 32 COINCIDENTALLY exactly when the message is sent, after 2 years where apparently nobody in Vault 33 sent a message to 32?

    While technicaly not a plothole (because they didn´t try to explain it yet), I am curious for how they will explain Moldaver was alive. She was not a ghoul.

    And she was not a Vault Tec employee in hibernation. Back in 2077, she had belonged to a tech company who worked with cold fusion that was bought by Vault Tec so they could shelf the cold fusion experiments as they were not profitable.

    Moldaver is shown as the leader of the "Hollywood Forever" group, which seems to be exposed as commies (at least Cooper was)

    So… we can only guess that she bought her way, with luck, in a Vault that was like the one from Fallout 4 (everyone in hibernation) or that when her company was bought, she became a Vault Tec employee and pretended to be faithful to Vault Tec despite hating them and leading Hollywood forever, thus earning a place at Vault 31 and being released to work as overseer before the show events, and instead of becoming an overseer, escaping to the outside. (it that's so, she wouldn´t need Lucy's mother Pip-boy to access Vault 32).

  3. What I hope for season 2 is house wins new Vegas. Which would explain why the need for the cold fusion to rebuild shady sands.

    I think they could easily go with the story and the second battle of Hoover Dam was another stalemate for the Legion and NCR.

    This allows House to take over. Then judging by how New Vegas isn't all glamour and glitz, something has happened since.

  4. Season 2 has already been approved.

    Vault-Tec has always been the real villain in the Fallout games. Vault 76 is about the only vault so far that seems to have been neutral, but the fact that when the vault 76 dwellers descended on Appalachia after only 25 years AND blocked from returning to the vault, they were greatly unprepared for what awaited them…similar to what Lucy experienced. Every vault was a corporate controlled experiment. Every vault seemed to hold a purpose. The game series Fallout 76 also Vault 79 that has all the gold from Ft Knox in it to secure the financial security of a rebuilding of America that seems neutral although you have the Secret Service and other governmental employees in the vault. Due to malfunctions that caused the vault to be sealed permanently AND radiation leaks, Vault 79 personnel were trapped inside. OOOOR…is that what we are to believe?(adjusts conspiracy tinfoil hat…LOL)

    I am curious to the exact timeline of what has transpired when New Vegas was introduced at the end of the series. Will they follow cannon? Will this before or after the courier does his thing in Obsidian's "Fallout New Vegas" and which ending will the writers choose to pick as the "correct" ending? If before, has Ceasar's Legion done it's thing? There are so many factions to deal with in New Vegas…NCR, Brotherhood of Steel, House/the strip, the Khans, Raiders, Fiends, the Boomers, the Kings(heeey Rex! Sorry you hate hats!), Blue Mountain, the Sierra Madre, the super mutants and Nightkin including the ones that aren't hostile. There are about two dozen more major and minor factions in the Mojave to deal with! And those dang flying Cazadors…I hate those vicious things!!!

  5. Imagine we all expect to see house in his lil test tube next season, only to be met by the courier riding yes man like a horse ready to make the ghoul look like a pussy with how badass the courier would be


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