Fallout Lore: The Lost Lands of New Canaan

Cred to deimos art: https://x.com/daddydeimos_art/status/1666422135152336898

Fallout Lore on New Canaan


30 thoughts on “Fallout Lore: The Lost Lands of New Canaan”

  1. Although New Canaan has sadly been destroyed by the white legs I would love to learn about the New Canaanites. A group of Christian’s who are pacifists can handle themselves in the wasteland. In my head canon after my Courier took over New Vegas he helped the New Canaanites and kept tabs on them.

  2. i dont get how people find this DLC so amazing josher gram was amazing but the setting the tribes sucked didn't feel like fallout at all if they wanted tribe people they should have made them like the khans

  3. Oh another idea regarding the clothes would be it may see how regions adapt when a necessary part of their faith is gone. Without new clothes they couldn’t make their magic underwear. So possibly vault tec was seeing how they’d react?

  4. My favourite DLC just look up at the night sky or look at the landscape from a high point or even stand still when it rains after spending so much time in the Mojave, it always feels like a place touched by something special compared to the devastated lands outside it's borders.

  5. I’m from the land of the new Canaanites, Utah. The Mormons have a very strong disaster preparedness culture, requiring upwards of 2 years of food per household, and the church itself has bunkers in the mountains and lord knows how much food and guns. If any religion would stick around, it’d be the canaanites

  6. One of my disappointments with Honest Hearts is that I'd never get to visit New Caanan and meet It's amazing people. Still hope someone makes a mod to revive them one day… Bonus trivia: Driver Nephi used to be a caananite before becoming a fiend

  7. Just to note, the Romans did not actually salt the earth, this is rumor and exaggeration. I have been corrected.

    Video Question: Who did you side with at the end of Honest Hearts, Joshua Graham or Daniel? Drop it below ↓↓↓↓

  8. One of the big problems lore wise that Honest Hearts has is it was relying on no less then 6 different proposed games that were supposed to take place in the area, one of which had a single mission supposedly in it (Fallout Tactics, before anyone asks) and to be blunt I'm not sure they ever really settled on any cohesive lore for the area in setting.

    When you look just into the changes on the characters of Joshua Graham/ the burned/hanged/ man alone, you really get the feeling we're lucky we ever got the honest hearts DLC to begin with. In some ways, I think the obvious lack of preperation was to that DLC's specific benefit because there's no good way to say this: I'm not sure the new vegas devs ever really settled on how they wanted to portray their version of Utah. This lead Honest Hearts to in many ways ultimately become one specific character's story. I honestly believe they put the character of Daniel in as an afterthought, and to be honest, I think you could've removed him from the story and not changed much at all.

  9. That's so crazy that they went to Zion Canyon and St George because that area is Infamous for being dusted radioactive fallout from the tests done in Jackass Flats in the Fallout world and the real world that area has nothing but death

  10. Wont lie this kind of just hit me, sorry about the length.

    They need to stick together and repopulate, if daniels appropriation of tribal myths into Christianity is a hint of the direction they are going, then the new Canaanites are going to adopt tribal mythos, subvert them in favour of Christian teachings, set the new canaanite survivors up as wise and holy people in these tribes and slowly, their descendants will become a ruling class and they will have replenished numbers.

    In case it seems im pulling this out my ass…. Chosen One… Descendant of the Original Vault Dweller from the "Holy" Vault 13….arroyo…tribe start by a mix of vault 13 residents and random tribal groups interbreeding. The vault 13 residents became the tribal elders, and their descendants were people like the old tribal lady that sends you to the temple of trials… Essentially replace "vault 13 residents" to "New Canaanites" in that order of events and…well..

    If the New Canaanites are smart, it will mean a bastardised version of their faith survives but they find a place to settle and plant some roots.

    If they follow in grahams footsteps (i know i think hes awesome too) then we may see Holy Crusades purging or assimilating tribes in a few generations, as the Bull charges West, it will become easier for Crusades to be launched into lands east of the Colorado. So the idea that joshua and daniel become a sort of "joint Joseph Smith Figure" to the New Canaanites and allied tribals? Is pretty damn terrifying. Think salem witch trials, public executions for heresy, along with regular genocidal purges of other religious/ethnic groups…

    Imagine how say the children of atom might react to such things happening..think of far harbor.

  11. Does anyone know of the Vatican/ Italy was in existence in the fallout world? If it was, I highly doubt it got nuked since it would have no military value. It would be hilarious if a bunch of Italian Catholics took over Europe and later started invading post war America in some future game. Christianity is such a big part of our shared history, it’s strangely absent from the Fallout universe, which makes me wonder if Christianity is different in this alternate world.

  12. Small point of order, 9:10 — the historical Roman legion never actually did that, the story of "salting the fields" at Carthage is basically a Renaissance fairy tale… at the time of the Second Punic War, Roman soldiers were paid in salt (the English word 'salary' comes from the Latin word for salt, 'sal')… not to mention the fact that Rome had just conquered Carthage, and destroying the fertility of fields which you now own out of spite for the people who used to own them is utterly ridiculous haha… That being said, however, Caesar's Legion isn't based on "historical Rome" but on Edward Sallow's understanding of Rome, which may have included salty fields lol

  13. Man i would love to play a version of van buren, or just any new black isle made fallout game to experience more stories like this completely disconnected from the brotherhood or the mainline game plots


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