Fallout Lore: Little Lamplight

Discovered in the late 19th century Lamplight Caverns was converted into a tourist attraction where people could come and learn about the caverns, how they were made and what creatures called the caverns home. On the 23rd of October 2077 82 students from The Early Dawn Elementary School were taken on a field trip to explore Lamplight Caverns. And for many hours the children, watched over by several teachers and parent chaperones, wandered the caverns unaware that it was about to become their new home.

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42 thoughts on “Fallout Lore: Little Lamplight”

  1. Yeah, the whole population thing always bothered me too, picturing kids, all less than 16, delivering babies. The age of the parents doesn't "bother" me from the logic of people doing what they need to to survive, but the idea of children delivering did bother me. I guess the farm/incubator theory makes the most sense since I'm sure former Little Lamplighters wouldn't bother returning to doom their own children to the same fate once they've learned the truth.

  2. The super mutant theory is good but needs some revision. It's not so much the mutants are deliberately farming the little lamplighters as they're in sort of a symbiotic relationship. The nearby mutants keep most other threats away from the area, which allows little lamplight to exist and grow. This produces an excess of "mungos" that head out into the wasteland, usually alone and lightly armed. Assuming they head to Big Town and aren't chewed up by the various hostile forces of the wasteland then they're likely to get either enslaved by the mutants or in my case, literally eaten by various creatures of the wasteland, including mirelurks and yao guai. So it isn't so much the mutants are deliberately farming the Big Towners as much as it is they exist in a vicious symbiotic relationship neither of them are aware of.

  3. I'm not sure Big town was always so bad. I got the impression that it's fall is more recent and formerly big town was the whole town but the constant raids by slavers and mutants led to the smaller town surrounded by barriers. The reason there's only one person on gaurd is that there's 6 people left and they have given up

  4. So many weird things happening. The teachers in the beginning would rather go out into radiation then to go deeper into the caves. A vault dweller hearing noises and not showing them to another person.

  5. I imagine Lamplight maintains its numbers in several ways, ones born to mothers before they turn 16(eww) children sent back from Big Town, and wandering Orphans. Not just one explanation. I don't think the Vault 87 Supermutants are smart enough to directly use Big Town and Lamplight in a farming scheme, not as a plan per say. They just know children make puny mutants so they wait for them to grow up before capturing them.

  6. Bro, in my first playthrough, i stayed inside the cavern for about 18 saves, hopped to find a way to get the kids to megaton, or stayed to protect them. Until my dad asked why i stayed in that cave for so long๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. MacCreedy was bang on the money honestly. I mean, without being disrespectful of course, there IS a reason why the vast majority of world leaders and top tier politicians are MEN not women. Sorry to say but it's the truth.

  8. Fo3 gets a lot of flack for its writing, but lets be honest, it really shone in the department of settlements. I know Megaton doesn't necessarily make sense, but it's definitely a cool concept* and places like Underworld, Rivet City and Lamplight are some of the coolest and most imaginative places in the series.

  9. I would like to think that all of the theories are correct in some way. I mean if you think about it with the first two it makes since. The second one for instance could be told when those from big town end up as slaves or any other reason.

  10. @Synonymous your videos are becoming better and better and more in depth and rich with lore I really enjoy your videos. Please keep on making them itโ€™s content creators like you. They keep this beautiful community of fallout alive and vivid. Thank you so much synonymous

  11. My personal hope would be that Big Town and Little Lamplight merged, and furthermore conquered/expanded into the Supermutants and Vault 87 territories. They deserve it for their hard work.


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