Fallout Episode 8 'The Beginning' Reaction!!

What an incredible end to the first season of a fantastic series! We need more NOW!

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0:00 Intro
1:04 Reaction
23:30 Discussion


25 thoughts on “Fallout Episode 8 'The Beginning' Reaction!!”

  1. 20:19 into 20:20 , I absolutely LOVE this moment. There is that split second where The Ghoul is actually a little scared/worried that it might have hit him, and you see the understanding of what she actually did cross his face in terms of a slight grin; he knew right then and there with that shot that Lucy was saying yes before he asked the question.

  2. 22:10 I love this!! The implications to the show, the world, and future games even, of what this Cold Fusion could do, the fights over/for it, are SO dang cool! I'm so sad about Moldaver… I wanted to see her continue her journey. But her main story was complete, She fulfilled her vision of even pre-war with getting Cold Fusion out there and finally saw power to the wasteland.

    But the way Maximus GOT his goal from the start, but in a way where he now doesn't want it; it's tainted. There's so many directions he could go. But I think he had enough emotional grounding from Lucy and his experiences that he can reign in that more darker streak.

  3. 26:00 She's not from 31. She was anti-vault-tec. She said that Vault-Tec bought all the companies she ever worked for, and bogarted her technology (she DID get cold fusion pre-war). She definitely wouldn't have been in a vault. At least not with Vault-Tec's permission.

    However, there is a thing in the ending credits that shows more likely what happened; she got a cryopod in the hotel in New Vegas. I forget the name, Tops Casino? But it is newly added lore through the billboard shown that they have cryopods.

    And Hank is going to New Vegas… 😁

  4. 29:06 Great callout!!! They actually explicitly state this in a round-about way in episode 6 or 7. Cooper is at the bar, talking to his friend who played the Indian that can talk to animals in the in-world movie, and his friend says

    "Vault-tec is evil"

    Cooper replies I think right away, or shortly after,
    "Barb's not evil"

    Cooper is literally saying that Barb IS Vault-Tec. In my opinion, this was very pogniant writing and was huge. It colors the entire throughline of Cooper choosing to actually spy on her. It's more than 'spying on your wife'. He realised his wife had another life and was essentially cheating on him with Vault-Tec, and she was it. Her only boss is the shadowy Shareholder guy. But you called it out that she was the head of that meeting for sure.

  5. spoilers.
    lol the 1st fallout where the vault dweller is just a companion to a wastelander… perfect haha

    pay attention to the outro, it zooms through new vegas, shows some easter eggs, i dont think it survived from what i saw, but who knows

  6. Coppers' wife wanted to get rid of war by getting rid of all the Factions and having humanity under Vault-Tech control but they then outsourced the vaults to other companies who ran their vaults with their concepts of how humanity will survive and in doing so they created lots of different factions! Talk about totally flawed corporate thinking.
    Vault-tech may have planned to drop the bombs but I believe someone bet the to it as number of Vault-Techs plans were not complete at the time the bombs dropped. Also if they knew when the bombs would drop why was Copper's daughter with him and not her mum when they dropped?

  7. And so it was that the actions of Lucy MacLean, A Child of Vault-Tec changed the wastelands like other vault dwellers before her. Only this time, a new limitless source of energy called Cold Fusion was created which could mean a new era of peace for some or conquest for others.

    Vaults 31, 32 and 33: Despite the losses from the attack from raiders lead by former NCR Ranger, Lee Moldaver the residents of Vault 33 endured and some moved into Vault 32 to rebuild after discovering that the residents there have been dead for 2 years without explanations.

    Norm: Norm trapped in vault 31 by Bud Askins had no choice but to enter his father's cryo pod to avoid dying from starvation or dehydration hoping for his sister would return to save him.

    Siggi Wilzig and CX404 aka Dogmeat: With the death of Doctor Siggi Wilzig, his companion CX404 or Dogmeat as others call her has decided to accompany Lucy and forms an attachment as she did for Wilzig before her.

    Filly: With the help of NCR and The Brotherhood of Steel, Filly rebuilds from the damages the fight between Maximus and The Ghoul and provides protection from any further incidents from raiders to cutthroat mercenaries.

    Vault 4: Vault 4 and its residents continue on their daily lives, until the death of Lee Moldaver reaches them, and the vault goes into chaos with the death of their prophet. Those who survived, return to the surface and traveled to Sacramento, The Capital City of the New California Republic to restart their lives as they did in Shady Sands.

    Thaddeaus: Thaddeus's transformation as a Ghoul could have made life hard for the former Squire, but instead, being found by the Followers of the Apocalypse was welcomed and became a combat medic to help those in need. Avoiding any sightings of the Brotherhood fearing of facing retaliation for desertion and possibly sharing Brotherhood secrets though has never committed to this day.

    Dane: Despite recent events, Dane had become Squire of the newly promoted Knight Maximus where they both will both fight side by side against whatever threat comes next.

    Lee Moldaver: Lee Moldaver who's lived for over 200 years remains a mystery. A secret she will take to her grave. But, not before achieving her goal of creating Cold Fusion as a limitless source of power in the hope will be the first step to everlasting peace.

    Brotherhood of Steel: The Brotherhood despite suffering heavy losses, successfully captured the Griffith Observatory from Moldaver's raiders and have gained a foot hold in the LA County area with the Cold Fusion reactor powering the city.

    Maximus: Though the hard work, meticulous luck and experience he had been through, Maximus has achieved the rank of Knight within the Brotherhood and decides to remain with them in the hope to take the first step to shape the Brotherhood into the ideal image that inspired him as a child long ago.

    The Ghoul: Cooper Howard after 219 years had finally found a lead on the where abouts of his family by meeting Vault 33's former overseer, Henry "Hank" MacLean who before the war was Barbra's executive assistant who has fled the LA area to New Vegas for unknown reasons decides to follow him there.

    Lucy: With the revelations of her mother and the destruction of Shady Sands by her father and how Vault-Tec caused the apocalypse 219 years ago understood that to make a real difference in the world is by bringing down Vault- Tec and their ally's once and for all and has decided to accompany Cooper Howard in tracking down her father as the first step. Lucy no longer goes by the name MacLean as her relationship with her father died with her mother and has started to adopt her mother's maiden name as her last name.

    So ends the first chapter of The Child of Vault-Tec, but her story is far from over. Vegetius once said: If you want peace, prepare for war. For War… War Never Changes.

  8. 0:11 Episode 1 was called the end, quite fitting the final one is the Beginning. but We're gonna get SO many answers! minds are gonna be blown!
    7:04 it's pretty Ironic that this show about the evils of the corporate overlords are streamed on the platform of what can be argued to be one of these corporate overlords!
    10:03 Yeah, you did Joe! well done!
    10:24 points to Mike too! nice one!
    13:02 I heard from others that October 10th -97 was the release date of Fallout 1.
    This did what Ahsoka failed for me. tie a bow on the season storyline while still leave room to be excited for following projects!
    what a brilliant show they've made!

  9. Moldaver got bought out of her start-up that was developing cold fusion technology by Vault-tec. Then she started agitating against VT sort of in secret, but I assume she was scooped up by them, stuck in Vault 4 as punishment, and was frozen there until that place imploded. She used it as a base of operations trying to help the victims of Vault 4's tests there, then started bringing in surface-dwellers. I assume that is why they worshipped her like that.

  10. I am far from being deep into Fallout lore, but they did this finale really great! Amazing content, way, way better than expected! Very intrigued to watch the next season. 👍
    Love your reactions to the show, entertaining and funny, just as the series! ❤
    fun fact: I love Lord of the Rings 1000x more than Fallout, but damn they failed HARD at making a better show than Fallout with WAY more money… 🤷‍♂


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