Fallout 4s Legendary Nonsense

Great balls of fire this took awhile. Real life can be awfully inconvenient.
Now let my inane ramblings commence.


25 thoughts on “Fallout 4s Legendary Nonsense”

  1. Another option could be to make the named “uniques” to have two legendary effects to differentiate them over their random drop counterparts and ensure they drop with higher tier mods. Spray N’ Pray coming with the drum mag and suppressor are great, so throw on the Rapid and Lucky traits and now you’re incentivized to just hose enemies down to see if you can get Rapid’s increased RoF to trigger Lucky.

  2. Plus this shit also ruined legendary creatures/enemies like we had the perfect preface for legendary human enemies all the named raider bosses. Tower Tom, Jared, Bosco, Judge Zeller, Red Terrette, Sparta, Boomer. It doesn't even stop with raiders you have a couple named super mutants in the game other than Virgil and strong Plus I mean you also have Father Gabe I'm pretty sure he uses a double barrel and uses it against ferals in the church hell give him the dragons breath call it the archeangles fire maybe.
    and you even have some named gunners and triggermen like maybe spray and pray belongs to a explosives obsessed mob boss maybe the survivors friend pistol would be found on a former vault dweller turned ruthless gunner.

    Plus we've had unique weapons and armor hidden in buildings and locations before the paladins toaster, Fisto the unique power fist from fallout 3 Zu-rong Chinese pistol in LOB enterprises

    I mean I don't think I even need to tell you how legendary creatures would work talking fallout new vegas style obviously.

  3. Hmm, yeah, I've gotta agree, but i really prefer the second way of fixing it. While the legendary items are good for progression, the named weapons should have something more about them. Oh, and of course, no useless effects.

  4. I never liked how Bethesda decided to make ammunition effects permanent upgrades to the guns.

    New Vegas's premium ammunition was in my view was a much better approach over a randomly dropping legendry gun that magically transfigures regualr ammunition into duplex or incendiary rounds.

    It threw the balance completely out the window if you dropped an explosive legendry automatic weapon at low level, compared to New vegas giving you some limited sources of special ammunition at low level that would need to be replenished at higher levels.

  5. The problem with fo4 is they'd no point to do anything. Even the game admits it. On your first okay though your guided to the minute men. Who then ask you to escort them back to sanctuary (gotta put your power armor up) .Who then get you into base. Building. Who then send you on a random ass direction on a radiant quest.

  6. Actually "The Striker's" legendary effect isn't even the bowling ball thing. It's a 50% chance to cripple the target's legs. So if you take off the Striker mod and put in the MIRV launcher, then anything that survives a shot will almost certainly not get up again. "Kremvh's Tooth" works in a similar way. It's actually a mod for machetes that gives them higher damage and lets them poison the enemy. Whenever I find a Legendary machete with an effect I think will be usable, I put the Kremvh's Tooth mod on it. Usually it's Ghoul slayer.

  7. Idea.

    Any unique legendary had an added unique effect on top of the legendary effect it already gets

    Righteous authority – while equipped, gain additional charisma based on amount of BoS equipment worn

    Kellogg’s Pistol – a fine tuned model, increased fire rate, accuracy, and range

    Wazer Wifle – -50% base damage per laser, but fires a tight spread of three lasers (yes this would be multiplied by the splitter barrel mod)

    Big Boy – additional splash radius

    And new ones like the doubletap, a double barreled shotgun with the mighty legendary effect that fires slug rounds

  8. What if the game kept track of items with legendary effects in the game world, and once an effect has been used either dropped in a random item or exist in a shop, that same effect cannot spawn again.

  9. I think some of the effects are fine, I usually use mods to basically make them like any other weapon customization option though, as most of them are just some sort of damage upgrade. It would be a lot better if they actually put some extra effort into the unique weapons though to even just change the appearance a bit.

  10. an idea i had is to convert fo4 rando loot into oblivion random loot. What do i mean? In oblivion most rando leveled items had unique names and effects, especially jewelry like ring of perception boosts all stats by 10, how to translate it to fo4? Just remove all randomness from legendary effects and replace them with named copies enemies can sometimes drop – that way you can easily limit the potential OP drops the players can obtain, like the explosive shotgun wouldnt be a thing and all that.

  11. While it incentivized engaging with Legendaries for those random loot drops, I have to agree with your argument. Another comment discussed the permanent exploding ammo effect, and along with those "bleeding" variants, it made rickety, .38 automatic pipe rifles far superior to named Legendary weapons such as the Spray N Pray. New Vegas definitely handled this issue better with ammo requirements. 100% agree. Without proper level scaling, an explosive variant turns F4 enemies into paper tigers; however, Bethesda has consistently struggled with this throughout all of their open-world titles, but I will say, Fallout 76 has a decent enemy scaling factor. It's nice to be lvl 100+ and still get overwhelmed or trounced. Fallout 4 offers the most OP protagonist build imo, and half of that is predicated on the OP weapons. The only in-game alternative is to use weaker weapons or run incomplete set/no armor builds. For reference, I pretty much just use the R/L leg combat armor that negates fall damage and limit inventory stimpaks on survival. It's a decent counter to running full armor + tanky X-01 builds, and makes vanilla F4 slightly more challenging.

  12. The legendary drops sounded great at first, until I kept finding canes and pool ques that required me to almost be dead or high on drugs to use lol They should have just stuck with the named legendaries and done away with the random world drops. Or at least make it so the named legendaries effects are unique to those specific weapons and cant spawn on random world drops. But then, Id never have a chance to get an exploding minigun lol

  13. Turned on notifications. You need to do a video on how totally awesome, epic, cool, and amazing the survival mode is. Especially how well thought out it was. In particular, removing the save feature in a Bethesda game that was never 100% patched.

  14. The easiest fix is probably just have tiers for the effects with the real unique guns getting the best effects then the regular ones getting the lesser ones and limit some to specific factions. Like the institutes weapons should do bonus damage to humans, the Bos should do extra damage to ghouls and super mutants, and the railroads should do extra damage to synths. So the Bos Instigator hunting rifle would do 225% damage on a Super mutant. The gun would have to be remodeled tho to be BoS skinned how ever the art team decides it would look.

  15. Your idea for the legendaries fits rather well with the Unique Unigues mod. A good example is Righteous Authority. It gains a special muzzle and barrel piece, The barrel is a lighter shade of grey and has a brotherhood logo on it. While also having a 15 percent damage buff if wearing t-60 power armor. Mix that with GCM to make it so legendary drops don't happen, and presto!


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