FAITH AND MISSION | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (October 2, 2022) with Sign Language

FAITH AND MISSION | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (October 2, 2022)
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#TheWordExposed #CardinalTagle #27thSundayinOrdinaryTime

We are on the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time; and in today’s Gospel, the disciples ask Jesus: “Increase our faith.” The Lord tells them that a “faith the size of a mustard seed” could do great things.

But Jesus also reminds his disciples their faith also means obeying and serving God, as their participation in God’s plan. He tells them: “When you have done all you have been commanded, say ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.”

Faith, when recognized and understood as a grace of God, yields fruit for the kingdom and cultivates joyful service.

The Word Exposed with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples reflects on Sunday’s Mass readings each week. From the Vatican, produced by Jesuit Communications.

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13 thoughts on “FAITH AND MISSION | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (October 2, 2022) with Sign Language”

  1. Faith will tell us ‘This is God’s mission and so God will fulfill it, in God’s own time.’ Those who assume the mission from God might get frustrated… In faith, we rely on God in the fulfillment of God’s mission, to which we are called to collaborate.

    Whether in homeschooling, in my service through my work or in the mission field of supporting special needs families, may I always remember that YOU are the MAIN ARCHITECT of these missions, Lord. Lead me to do it your way…

    Increase our faith, Lord, and may we carry out the mission to which you have called us as a filial act of obedience and participation.

    Thank you, Cardinal Tagle and the missionaries behind Word Exposed!


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