Failures Of The Boeing 737 | Emergency, Fires In The Sky | Mayday Air Disaster | Mayday Air Disaster

From Japan to Buenos Aires, witness the shocking details behind each of these disasters—all involving the Boeing 737. Unravel the web of human errors and technical failures in this video covering Boeing’s downfall.

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00:00:00 – Season 16 Episode 4
China Airlines Flight 120 lands in Okinawa, Japan after a one-hour flight from Taiwan. Upon shutdown, a fire engulfs the Boeing 737, though all passengers escape unharmed. Investigators uncover a critical flaw that poses a global safety risk, sparking a thorough examination of the aircraft’s components.

00:42:15 – Season 16 Episode 8
Garuda Indonesia Flight 421 navigates through a fierce storm over Indonesia, experiencing severe turbulence and engine failure. The skilled pilots execute a remarkable emergency landing, saving all but one of the 60 passengers and crew. Indonesian investigators launch an inquiry as wreckage is recovered from the Solo River.

01:24:29 – Season 17 Episode 9
LAPA Flight 3142 crashes immediately after takeoff from a Buenos Aires airport, shocking the nation. The 737 shakes violently, veers off course, and bursts into flames, crossing a highway. The investigation reveals a staggering blunder behind the disaster.

Welcome to the OFFICIAL Mayday: Air Disaster YouTube Channel.

Mayday: Air Disaster is a dramatic non-fiction series that investigates high-profile air disasters to uncover how and why they happened. Mayday: Air Disaster follows survivors, family members of crash victims and transportation safety investigators as they piece together the evidence of the causes of major accidents. So climb into the cockpit for an experience you won’t soon forget.

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23 thoughts on “Failures Of The Boeing 737 | Emergency, Fires In The Sky | Mayday Air Disaster | Mayday Air Disaster”

  1. The flight attendant tried to keep everyone calm- that’s an important part of their profession.
    That particular situation reminded me of Leslie Nelson in Naked Gun. While the fireworks factory is going up in smoke and flames, he tells everyone “everyone keep calm, there’s nothing to see here”. 😊

  2. I've watched these videos for about a year. Different passenger planes made from different companies in different countries. I'm amazed that such simple errors can bring the planes down or on the runways.

  3. The Indonesian pilot and copilot are sensationally amazing pilots. I couldn't catch the spelling of their names. Rozak? At any rate, these heroes are the kind of people I need to hear about right now. The world seems to be spinning into madness but here these guys land a totally crippled plane at 200 mph after so many things went wrong that were not their fault. And lived along with most passengers, to tell the tale!

  4. 🎉🎉🎉 I’m really curious about one thing regarding the 737’s and other Jets 😮
    Where did they get that name of the airlines from???
    Was it from 737 Jets ?
    The Patent of the design?
    Please someone help me out.
    I know that somewhere out here in YouTube land that someone knows the answer.

    Thank you so very much for your help.
    Blessings,Carlos ✝️🙏❤️😊🇺🇸

  5. 737 is a PR's worst nightmares….it is at the point they need to get Specialist Inspections crews for just the 737
    and or they to work on getting them replaced …know not a easy as words, But really need to do something with the 737


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