Faction Focus 2024 Sons of Behemat

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44 thoughts on “Faction Focus 2024 Sons of Behemat”

  1. Thank you Rob for this great review i'm about to watch !

    Battletraits look great and versatile ! But…

    ALMIGHTY STOMP… damage D3
    They should just call them Boulderclub and Stomp to be fair.

    Mancrusher's Eadbutt does 4 damages rend 2 and Massive club 2 damages rend 1… Someone tell this fellow to drop the club and to go full "head wack-a-mole mode" please !

    Seems the Hit and Wound caracteristics have been ajusted to be more realistic lorewise (which is great) but it's like they forgot Damage in the process…

  2. Glad to see you give them a fair shake when reading it. Any chance you'd ever make a SoB army? The gatebreaker ability is amazing if someone gave you strikes last or has strikes first against you so you just kill them before they get attack.

  3. I really like the concept of a giant army, but the lack of poses puts a dampener on it. So I'm more inclined to use a mega-gargant as a mercenary for another army.

  4. If you can take more than 3 megas in AoS4 then the game is broken. SoB will dominate 90% of the factions.

    It's so unfair. Every other faction gets a stat and ability nerf, but SoB get buffs. Wild.

  5. I can safely say if it wasn’t for Rob’s videos I would never have thought about collecting Gargants… I am now the proud owner of 3 mega and 3 man babies 😂

  6. I want to like SoB but my god, are they a boring looking army. :/ I hold out hope that they can at least take some destruction allies in the army like gitz and the like, but it's not looking great. :/

  7. I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy playing them, but I feel like a "Sons of Bahamut" version of the army with proxied feral dragon models would be kickass. Depends on how boring they are to play/play against, and unfortunately I haven't heard good things.

  8. As a gargant player this hurts. I guess I'll have to cry into my wall of trophies and brain dead win rate to recover.

    Joking aside, atm I don't think as an initial reaction they will be that oppressive

  9. For abilities like ‘stuff em in me bag’ will you be able to choose the model like in AOS3? It’s worded differently here, saying the playing chooses a target unit rather than picking a model.


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