Facing shadows: Sun conjunct Pluto – January 18th 2023 – Horoscopes

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The Sun, our planet of ideas, hopes and wishes, conjoins Pluto, the planet of power, darkness and transformation on Wednesday, January 18th 2023, urging us to examine our shadows. Rising sign horoscopes below.

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00:00 Intro
10:38 Aries
12:00 Taurus
14:04 Gemini
15:39 Cancer
16:53 Leo
17:55 Virgo
19:57 Libra
21:00 Scorpio
22:08 Sagittarius
23:33 Capricorn
25:10 Aquarius
26:16 Pisces

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17 thoughts on “Facing shadows: Sun conjunct Pluto – January 18th 2023 – Horoscopes”

  1. Husband Aries 2 rising and sun Pluto is representative of the bankers, Pluto ,controlling , more Pluto , the assets, sun rules his fifth house and the shares are the assets the dodgy bankers are controlling.
    I am hoping that Mars and mercury both going to go direct will expose this and this dodgy banker will be removed.

  2. Yes; another chapter; false accusations; due to intimidating energy; caused the β€œmy way or the highway” controlling nature that shall be tempered; On another note from the brighter side, good research has uncovered a well hidden truth

  3. OMG!! just 20 minutes ago, several crazy things happened all at once. I had to take responsibility for someone who had neglected it. I'm abroad and was having money issues and visa problems, decided to stay no matter what and all the sudden I have two jobs, I dreamt I had two jobs last night!! 20 minutes! I have asc 0 libra, Saturn8 libra,, Jupiter 13 tau in 8th, Leo moon and and MC 0 cancer Sun Venus 4, Uranus 13, Merc22, all cancer, mars 2 Scorpio.!! That just blew my mind!!

  4. Virgo moon. Love purging. My old Pisces roommate loves putting things under beds and hoards shit that should be donated or thrown away. Drove me nuts! But he was such a sweet soul!

  5. Sag sun and rising. I’m starting an investment portfolio, literally meeting the financial advisor tomorrow.

    And also going through a break up. That Mars retrograde really got me.

  6. Hello, Pisces rising here. I have my Pluto square going on right now from 28 degrees Libra 8th house. So it’s in Cap 28 degrees 11th house. Do you have any advice for me? It just feels like my past and everything I miss keeps haunting me. This transiting Pluto is also squaring my natal Saturn at 0 degree Scorpio. I want to change my life but feel very lost and not sure which way to go.


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