Facing harsh realities on our Portugal Homestead

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In this episode we learn some tough lessons about fire risk management, and have to face up to the reality of what it means to keep us, our homestead, and our community safe.

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We are John, Tara, Crusoe and Sawyer Newby. A family of explorers who’ve taken root in Northern Portugal where we are renovating an abandoned farm into our dream off-grid homestead. Please support us by giving us a thumbs up and making sure to subscribe to follow our adventures.

On and off, we have been traveling for over 20 years and have explored more than 160 of the world’s 193 countries, it’s been quite a journey, and now we are sharing our projects and adventures weekly here on YouTube with new episodes EVERY SUNDAY.


Thanks so much for watching!!!


41 thoughts on “Facing harsh realities on our Portugal Homestead”

  1. My sympathies. We live in a world of massive denial as we begin to face what we have collectively done to our environment. To all the big fancy vehicles that drive their trucks not for work related but just as a toy. We are taking to you

  2. All part of nature wild fires. Everything regrows (tree/plants) animals come back. Just need to be smart enough to keep trees few hundred feet away from your house or out buildings and keep the grass cut short. Same with scrub plants and stuff. Trees take the carbon monoxide and turn it back into Oxygen! We need lots of trees to do that. Another note, maybe people will get smarter and build their homes into the sides of hills or into the ground. If you build them with the right materials, they will never catch fire or burn down. That would be the smart move. Don't build homes above ground,, your just asking for it, if a fire takes off.

  3. 27:42 Now you know why. The boys race against time. Not so long ago we considered it primarily a summer problem with a few regions breaking the trend in early spring and late fall. But climate change, according to most wildland fire experts, has turned fire season into a year-round issue. All the best from Croatia.

  4. In Florida, the power company comes through on a regular rotation to trim away from the lines in the backyards. However I've always hired a company every 5 years to come and make my trees safe from hurricanes. Are you not able to do the same where you are? Twice we've come home to find the power line down in our yard because neighbors uncared for trees brought them down. Hopefully you will be able to do something to save your trees. Thank you for sharing and reminding us to care for ours.

  5. Guys you have no leg to stand on here. Think of the ground (hundreds of kilometres) these guys need to cover. They arent going to be hyper sensitive to your aesthetic needs. I get that you are pissed off you have lost some privacy but you needed to take this into account prior to purchasing the land. You are lucky you werent sent an invoice.

  6. As a townie, who moved to an afforrested mountainous area with electricity lines in the rear field, I was a little naively sentimental about maintenance lopping in the past. I now realise that any pruning is preferential to clear felling which would be cheaper and more efficient for utility companies. The objective is not, or cannot be, to save the tree – it is to keep lines clear. Lopping (however crude) is the compromise to clearfelling and is the balance between competing needs for which we rely on both. Power companies usually do have the supreme authority to clearfell so I've learned to be grateful that they don't until absolutely necessary. You might consider planting a similar sapling elsewhere to provide future custodians the benefit of what one day this old tree can no longer provide.

  7. One of the worst, hottest, fastest traveling bushfires in Australia was during the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009. Over 170 lives were lost. Power lines were involved in the the cause. It is heartening to see how seriously the Portuguese authorities are taking the risk and swiftly taking action to protect you. Trees can grow again, but lives lost can never be replaced. Be safe.

  8. Yes, is a big problem, a business for some people, the government don’t do nothing and when the summer comes is a business for some guys and the media. They liked have people in front of tv. Two years ago more them 100 people die because of the fires. Nobody was guilty says the authorities!!!!!

  9. The solution for your safe is:
    Bye all the land around your space and creat a safety area for the fire.
    Like I said is a mad business for some people and the Portuguese medo TV.

  10. You guys have built such a beautiful place 😍 our 18 month old pulled out onions yesterday and I just love to see him spend his days in the garden.
    I spent a summer in mainland Portugal, during the year the wildfires were the worst ever, and it must be so scary to live next to them.

  11. Truly you should complain about the tree they could wait until you were back and did it with you then it looks so shocking and yes it will affect the tree and you may have to say 😢 good bye

  12. So glad that you had a holiday away from all your labors, and truly amazed to see the goodness of your garden harvest🙂 I loved Crusoe’s innocence about the fire—“it’s just fire mummy.” The boys are thriving, healthy and happy little souls and that to me, makes more than bearable, the brutal but necessary destruction of the tree. You can always plant another tree in its place and dedicate it to Joel😊

  13. You remind me of a friend of mine who whilst I was grieving she walked me around her home and garden with a djembe drum tied around her waist. By the time we got around her home and garden my mood had profoundly changed. AND some things in life go down sideways. " Look at dat!" Sheer delight.

  14. What a beautiful bounty! Delightful to see the little ones feasting on fruits and vegetables. We have the same issure with our electric company about hacking away at the trees. I also support keeping growth away from wires, but they do such a horrible job that, in some cases, it would be better to chop the trees down. Glad the fire was caught and put out. You must have been so anxious. We have been dealing with the smoke from over 93 million acres of forest that is burning up in Canada.. It's been so hazy and the smell of smoke is everywhere. Experts say it may last till Christmas. Wishing you all well!

  15. Lol you have to get views 😂, i understand…
    That is not a wild fire to Portugal 😮 that is a little ”fogacho", not even a medium… There wasnt any real wild fire in Portugal this year the rain this winter was a lot and the summer temperatures have not yet arrived.
    A wild fire on Portugal would have burn all the mountain. Searche YouTube wild tires Portugal 2017, to see what is a wild fire (near Leiria the flames were 12 stories high…)
    Also the electrical company as done a bad job. They should have done that job until end June and they should also cut the tree down. They have to out no vegetation space, at least, from five meters each side. The objective is not that the tree cont Touch the power line but that if the cable broke ir can touch the ground and not hit any vegetation.

  16. Bushfires here in Australia have taken many lives and properties due to the selfish councils who would not let people cut down trees around their properties.
    One man was fined $300,000 for not doing what they wanted and just cut down the trees. His house was the only one left standing when the fire went through his area. Now he has taken the council to court to get his money back.
    I’m 72 and it has only been in the last few years that we have seen such devastation in our country due to people thinking that no trees should be cut down. Commonsense should tell us that this is not correct but still we hear people saying how devastated they are when trees are cut down.
    I’m sorry but to me peoples lives and property are much more important than a few trees. Especially today when replacing your home is so expensive, and no one can put a price on the lives of the men and women who fight these terrible fires.
    I know there are a lot of people out there who will disagree with me but it has to be said because I’m sick of hearing people say how terrible they feel when a tree is cut down.
    Where and when did common sense fly out the window in todays young people, they will put safety first when they have a fire pit but forget about what can happen in fire season to the trees around their home.
    I have seen people cutting down eucalyptus trees in Portugal and I say good work because these trees come from Australia and we see every year in our fire season how quickly these trees burn. They can even start a fire if struck by lightning during a storm.

  17. I’m Portuguese, they can’t do that, I’m pretty angry for you. They always do this every year, many Portuguese suffer the same, and the company always say they did everything according to the law.

  18. The power company has right of way on your property. Land under the power lines must be free of trees accessible to protect, do repairs and maintenance to what is a vital infrastructure.

  19. My buddy worked at a almond facility in central California and cut the lemon trees down like a rose bush, however brush clearering is part of hill living, etc. Fire does not fear us and proudly shows its tentacles.

  20. What an amazing childhood your two little boys are having. If only all children born into this world could be so lucky. I just love watching your gorgeous little family. Bless you all. ❤

  21. I’m a South African forester 26 years so far and have had to deal with wildfires. Please create a defendable space around your property, particularly the house and buildings. Have an escape route. I have seen that fire behaviour is changing, Portugal has had some horrific incidents over the last few years.
    Sparks from the power line can be an ignition source, I know that the power company is supposed to keep it clear but perhaps you could have a go at cleaning under the lines yourself-clear away the light brush so that if there’s a spark, it doesn’t have any fine fuel to ignite.
    Fantastic veggie garden! Unfortunately I have to contend with vervet monkeys and baboons.

  22. I’m just catching up and so happy to see the fire was controlled!!
    I feel your pain with the electrical company. Even though it is absolutely necessary for safety they do butcher the trees. We have the same issues here in the Bahamas. We have to hope we are home and can supervise and beg them to go easy or get to the tree before them!! And we have to clean up the mess! Lots of mulching 😂

  23. There is a big problem with Western Europe in particular in terms of climate change, particularly the Iberian peninsula. In Portugal there is a big scramble to secure water rights and the desert of Southern Spain is expanding. Water management is of utter importance and food prices in the EU are skyrocketing because of the devastation of last year's drought. My strongest suggestion for your homestead is to play an influencing role to your community as a household that conserves water and resources. Everything from using upside down spring water bottles beside your vegetable so that your water drains slowly and deeper in the ground without spreading all over the place, and using drought resistant exotic crops and even using urine as fertilizer (you don't have to tell anyone about that LOL!!). Set yourselves up as an example to your community and for others to follow, making your farm more interesting by setting yourselves up as an ideal example to follow. Its getting hotter and drier, just like in Sud Afrika, the only difference is that you're much safer in Portugal. Have you considered such crops as okra, artichokes, peanuts and ghost peppers? Perhaps Soya would like to try some blackberry or black current jam LOL!!


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