F-18 Super Hornet Nearly Collides with a UFO

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31 thoughts on “F-18 Super Hornet Nearly Collides with a UFO”

  1. This is probably government-controlled misinformation. These long-time military officers coming out jumping on the X-flies bandwagon all of the sudden is too much.

  2. My favorite type of storiesโค. I wish you stay with government, Sir; our government would certainly do much better job with having people like you on the team, but I totally understand why you left. I believe you are absolutely right about looking for answers about Aliens down in the ocean instead of up in the sky.

  3. these are not UFOs but glitches how do I know this??? Corridor Crew on youtube are 8 guys with degrees in film one watched it and said oh that's such and such glitch called a few others over to rewatch and one goes oh that's so and so glitch the exact same thing the first guy said these guys are clever and are not deniers of ufos they just said that's not a ufo but a camera glitch not one of the 8 guys there thought it was an actual object and there's others saying the same thing so why is the US saying now they have a UFO when they have lied with a passion over ufos in the past

  4. Thanks for the interview!
    Yes our Star Fleets are in the air and ocean! They are our Light Brothers, our Family! Its Apparent how the ones 'In Control' belittle all those that serve and Hold Honor, think they are protecting us! They are just the eyes for these elites and are being used for the dark sided control ,which have their Dark Alien force too!Trust in Father Almighty God and Jesus for The Light โœจ๐Ÿ’ซ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿค๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธโ˜ฎ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

  5. I never make comments or anything like that. I donโ€™t do social media. I just wanted to thank you first for your service to our country. Second, thank you for being real. The reason people love you is because you are genuine and 100% real. That means something to people that support you and watch you. You have taught me so much and rejuvenated my love for our country. I believe in my heart that you still have great things to accomplish. Thanks again. God bless.

  6. If there are UFOs crossing the galaxies popping in and out of space and different atmospheres, traveling at the speed of mach shit your pants they should be able to detect and move around our planes like Walter Payton bouncing around a nursing home

  7. When in Honolulu back in 1990, I had a friend, Dan, who worked hotel security with me. We had both been in the service. Navy for him and the USMC for me. We had lots of time to talk while doing rounds. Anyways, he was on a frigate back in the mid 80โ€™s and told me about an underwater ufo that passed right under their ship. He told me that they could see it with sonar and that he was able to run out on deck with some others and watch it head right at them. He said it had multiple different lights flashing. They were scared pretty badly. The next day some suits showed up and took the sonar tapes and told them to forget the event ever happened or they would be prosecuted. Dan told me that the ufo was moving way too fast and was way too big to be moving in the water like it was. He was convinced that it was nothing human.

  8. Thank you both for talking about this subject. We know they're there and we know they're in the ocean to, why put them in some draw or safe until the pilots or submariners really run into the UFO/UAP.?That will be the next we hear, collision in the ocean,or air, so they're finally got to admit to having "aliens" on the planet. Come on, face facts, it's certainly true, we are gonna meet them somewhere like it or not. Shawn, great podcasts with alot of interesting people,I'm working my way slowly through them,you doing a great job. Thank you for your service to.

  9. How many commercial aircraft crashes have been caused by collisions with UAPโ€™s that have been attributed to pilot air, weather, anomalies, bad airplane, maintenance. If this rear admiral didnโ€™t know their existence and heโ€™s in charge of operational air safety for the Navy?


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