Ezekiel 31 & 32 – The Prophets Bible Study

Today we’re reading Ezekiel 31 and 32 from a Hebrew Roots whole Bible Torah perspective. Bear reads from The Scriptures version. This is a literal translation of the Bible in English. This translation differs significantly from most common English translations in that it has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanakh, and restored the Name of the Most High, (יהוה) throughout.


22 thoughts on “Ezekiel 31 & 32 – The Prophets Bible Study”

  1. The birth pains of the new levels in Christ is also a thing in my opinion. As much as God wipes out he's lifts up according to the heart. Whenever I think I'm not worthy I think of David , flawed men God used. I used to think we had to be perfect to start our walks. I love the Lord, I've felt his spirit and it was a love almost unbearable. He didn't say his name he didn't slay me he wanted me to know he loves me. That's my personal experience in the spirit. On the other hand anything that powerful can wipe out nations with a breathe.

  2. I'm glad your calling out our fear. We are programmed to fear to the point where it's a daily unending way of existence. My father told me the same thing it's so common we don't even realize it's anti- faith. We are programmed to fear , it's going to take some time to retrain this brain. Bless y'all I appreciate the reading Bear!!

  3. Shabbat Shalom , I will congrats you but won't ever call you Pastor, not only have you said not to but I feel highly bizarre and uncomfortable when I am called such, so respect. Just had to clarify as it is one of my pet peeves and passions (etymology). spirit. it is his spirit. the soul=mind. general misconception of modern times. they don't call it the Holy Soul. and they say mind, body, spirit. What does Proverbs say about the soul? Proverbs 19:21 and 24:14 also indicate that knowledge and wisdom are related to the soul. In addition, Psalm 139:14 says, “My soul knows it well.” Since to know is a matter of the mind, this also proves that the mind must be a part of the soul. Also that is why they call it "spiritual battle" a fight for our very essence. Yes it matters.

  4. Shalom and Praise be to the Father for the lessons of His good Word that we might gain an understanding of our role in this relationship so as to bring ourselves closer to His Devine will and steward others in their walk with Him as faithful servants redeemed by the grace of the master Yeshua messiah

  5. This reading, along with and for me, shows me once again how much wisdom is imparted, referenced with many witness verses. And after this over a year long quest with Yah's Bear Bible Series you have pastored, taught, and testified bringing light to my darkness. All the videos you have made that I have followed (many from years ago) give some clarification to questions where my background in churches have only left dissatisfaction (and truthfully, disgust and wrath). Your "new" status as Pastor Bear gives me great joy because I knew you already were pastoring. Thank you. Blessings!


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