Extraterrestrial Threat: Are We Prepared for an Alien Invasion? | Full Movie

Dive into the thought-provoking world of “Extraterrestrial Threat: Are We Prepared for an Alien Invasion?” 🛸

While popular films often depict humanity triumphing over extraterrestrial invasions, this documentary delves into a more realistic exploration. Could we genuinely stand a chance against advanced beings from beyond our world?

🌍 Join us on a journey through scenarios and discussions about humanity’s resilience and preparedness in the face of potential extraterrestrial threats.
🔍 Examine the factors that could determine our fate and survival in the event of an alien encounter.
🤔 Contemplate the challenges and uncertainties surrounding an alien apocalypse.

#AlienApocalypse #ExtraterrestrialInvasion #Survival #Documentary #ThoughtProvoking

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13 thoughts on “Extraterrestrial Threat: Are We Prepared for an Alien Invasion? | Full Movie”

  1. The answer is no….'others' are far superior to us…..just look around our globe, we're way too barbaric….& IF they can get here from way off afar & we've only hopped 2 near planets, no question!
    IF they wanted to annihilate us we wouldn't be here today.

  2. But what if they are under the sea , we don't know much about this and more of the moon . With all these artifacts found under the sea as well as the artic. But what if they are after the minerals in the earth . The one other thing is they are already here with us. ???

  3. If you would wake up you would already no that our senses have been changed so much we don't even seem to care about anything accept ourselves and that aliens our on the moon. I guarantee you this I have proof and I can give you guaranteed proof get a telescope 🔭🔭🔭 and aim it at the moon and do your research and I promise you you will be amazed there their and it will be a shock I now understand why they are hideing it because a lot of people would lose their minds and it would show you how gullibil we all are and they do not want the wrong info slash technology to fall in the wrong hands I wish I could tell you all more but you must and i repeat must do your own research open your mind and understand truth is definitely stranger than fiction if i was to tell you to research the north korean religion and then look at our bibe aka our religion you would get the point of our brainwashing the extent of what has and is going on is truly a nightmare who is really in charge ??? That is my question ⁉️⁉️⁉️ I think they terra formed this planet for there own benefit

  4. They already have been invading us for year's,,,endless wars, poverty,,corrupt governments its obvious….as far as being destroyed they could have already done that then used it to portray religion to start control over again,,,just saying

  5. If humanity understood energy, correctly. Not as in our present day, with primitive systems and barely adequate Science, to describe the fundamental laws of nature. This Kardashev scale would be seen as an absolutely ridiculous and meaningless gaff, terrible joke. Non-Hertzian waves, Zero Point, Tachyon, Quantum Field or you may prefer, Prana, Chi, Kundalini, Orgone or just "Space Energy", is not only real and it exists, as well as being scientifically valid and studied at an almost frenzied pace. Mankind has started to harness this force, with merely years not decades, before it will be seen as an everyday commodity, a part of our real and normal life, adopted by the individual and distributed, leased on demand by vendors as a service, fulfilling business demands and the goals of commerce. In 1916 Walther Nernst proposed, empty space was filled with zero-point electromagnetic energy. 1896 Tesla was working on oscillations for wireless energy transfer, and he proposed this as a commercial venture, which met with fierce opposition to the men of power, with other plans. Finally, over a century later, after coal, nuclear, turbines and neolithic energy forms, we are today hearing this "dumbed down", ridiculous, science fiction paperback concept of a "Kardashev Scale", being taken seriously? This gives me a feeling of dread. How unimaginative and naive, are people… really? Paul Dirac would turn in his grave in Westminster Abbey, cracking his tombstone, with that famous equation… which nobody knows! If he were alive to hear such nonsense being thrown about, in a serious context.

  6. This is a reasoned argument and well put. However, it's only one part of a deeper conversation which needs to be aired. For instance, the narrator barely touches upon the notion that ET is already here and probably has been for a long time, re David Grusch's evidence etc.. The narrator also assumes, what we might think of as conventional space travel and conventional weaponry, devices which rely on thrust and impact, in other words mechanical devices. Their modes of transportation and payload delivery would likely far exceed our primitive fireworks. Concepts such as military victory may be completely alien to…well aliens. What about genetic manipulation? A benevolent guiding hand? A protective presence against self annihilation? The Zoo Hypothesis? The premise here is fairly stated early on in the documentary, to wit, whenever an 'advanced' civilization encounters a 'primitive' civilization, the outcome will always be to the detriment of the primitives, either through martial superiority or because of lack of immunity to foreign disease. That is a reasonable fear based on our own earthy historical experience, however, an ancient galactic wide society may well be wise to such pitfalls and would probably have developed policies to prevent such outcomes.
    I enjoyed your documentary, it was well presented, but simply treating the possibility of alien visitation as a security threat is to fall in to the same old Hollywood trap which you rightly called BS on in the narrative. Win or lose.

  7. It has already taken place – now they are preparing the next stage, a hive species managed by AGI artificial godlike intelligence. We will never meet them …. And they have no need for a military takeover that is Hollywood BS , stealth management and control of a primitive species not ancient type conflict.


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