Exploring my Custom Pentium 200 MMX System and a Minor Repair!

Let’s review my NOS Barebone Custom Pentium 200 MMX System and perform a slight repair! Heck – let’s add a 5 1/4 drive as well 🙂 Quake, Doom, Motocross Madness and some Monster Truck Madness may be present…. This system is what inspired me to start this channel – I hope you enjoy!! #pentium #retropc #nostalgia

Case Badges (credit referenced from @LGR ‘s Channel)


Referenced HP 4C Scanner Video (credit referenced from @TechTangents ‘s Channel)



5 thoughts on “Exploring my Custom Pentium 200 MMX System and a Minor Repair!”

  1. Nice build…a small piece of advise : watch your in tower temperature as I see that cooling isn't that well taken care off. How does the hot are leave the cage…only by the power supply fan (?)….watch out for HD crashed!

  2. I have the exact same Voodoo 3 3000 PCI GPU and they were notorious for running hot and burning out! I actually mounted a small cooling fan on it many years ago after learning about this. The first one I had bought from CompUSA only lasted about 2 weeks before it burned out and they replaced it for me. That is when I decided to mount the fan on the new ones heat sink. Simple and quite effective as I used it for a long time before upgrading to a system with an AGP graphics slot and a faster card with more built in memory. Maybe think about mounting a small fan with at least two screws on yours to extend its life as they are now considered expensive collectable retro items as you probably already know. Very nice video and really cool and sleek looking case by the way! It was also brave of you to do a BIOS flash on the system as I, myself, am very reluctant to do so after I bricked one of my favorite retro systems years ago by attempting to update its BIOS. It is still often VERY tempting to do so once in a while just to see what benefits you get. 👍👍
    I watch Shelby at TechTangents as well by the way and man does he own a LOT of retro software! I thought I had a lot, but his collection is just MASSIVE and makes mine seem "teeny weeny!!!" 😵


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