EXCLUSIVE Junker Queen Q & A w/ Overwatch 2 Devs – Lucio speed stacks!, hero design, and dog!

River the dog is so adorable

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35 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE Junker Queen Q & A w/ Overwatch 2 Devs – Lucio speed stacks!, hero design, and dog!”

  1. i doubt junkerqueen matches well against a roadhog she got no stun and her anti heal is her ULT not ability
    and her ULT is probably a CHANNELED ULT which hog can stun her out of it
    hog's ult can knock queen away prevents her from doing her thing and or waste her shout
    dont get me in the queen 1v1 hog LOLS

  2. This is giving me flashbacks of original Brigitte. “She’s like a tanky dps”. This is all too familiar. Design new hero, give her every single tool in the game. Destroy the balance of the game forever. Rip

  3. Anti is dangerous, Moira should get the cleanse from the experimental, so there is counterplay for it. Otherwise if the other team is running junker queen Anna, your best option is having dva or orisa eat the nade. Imagine whole team anti for 2 seconds from nade then 2 more from junker queen, you get 2 seconds of healing and then nade is off cooldown and you're anti again, and both teams can do this to eachother. Add a cleanse to Moira however, and she then gains a new layer of skill and supports don't feel even worse than they did in the first beta, though I will say the passive is a major plus.

  4. Junker Queen/Reaper/Mei/Lucio/Brig comp anyone? I feel like that might become quite a popular comp with her, especially if they buff Reaper or Mei, even if not, they'll fit in amazingly into a comp like this. The grouped up rush with Speed Boost/Inspire/Rallying Call/etc… will be nuts.

  5. I wanna see some weird stuff… like what happens if while on a sym tp as junker queen, if you throw a knife and hit someone, can you TP out before your knife returns? If so, what happens to the knife/ enemy? xD will be fun time to test stuff


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