Answer the Call Star Citizen and Content Creation with Olli43

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◆ Twitch: Sunday-Friday 6:30am EDT


38 thoughts on “Answer the Call Star Citizen and Content Creation with Olli43”

  1. Pretty new to the game and im loving both of yalls content its making me and my buddy want to invest in the game and content creation around it on different platforms. Thanks for all the great news updates and reactions!

  2. I think what sold SC for me was the community. Doing the first delivery mission and stranded on some moon as the ship was blow away, and asking chat "What do i do now?" and someone responding "Hey I can pick you up". Really you would abort what you where doing and come pick me up! Having a chat flying back. Multiplayer is what makes SC to me.

  3. seriously why i love oli videos is he still seems so excited every time hes playing.
    its so refreshing and great because i feel like that and there is tons of negative people in the game.

  4. Crafting is a must hell even tho i know they don't want to let people craft ships could make a line of Generic ships just for crafting could make them weaker in most areas then store bought ship but because there self built ships you can push them farther in master modes or something but we need goals major goals we can work for

  5. I think the idea of Space truckers is that you can make money by optimizing your game play. If you are going to a place that sells a commodity that is worth a lot on your home planet then you can pick up some supplies while you are there doing your other mission, and bring the stuff back for a little extra value to the mission. This is why the loots and treasure is so nice because it is extra you can make if you spend a little time at the place you were doing the mission.

  6. Most people play solo because they have lives. It is like when you want to get together with your old college friends and you can't get them together because they have kids and families where they are busy after work. When you are single and have a part time job while in college it was easier but when you grow up you don't have time for meetups. Younger players do.

  7. Yes we need crafting. It was crafting that attracted me to this game in the first place. I want to be able to make and sell stuff in game and I am not talking about a multi tool. You should be able to take raw components like ores and make them into sheet metal or ingots. Then you should be able to take those and make components. Then take those and make Armor, Guns, Shield Generators and so on. Mining is a good start and a better module system to the ships is another. Right now I can loot a shield generator off of some ships but how do I get them on mine. The ports are usually on top where I can not get my tractor to. Where are the rocket boots or even a scaffolding in the hangers would be nice. We have to fix these things first before crafting.

  8. We already have no fly zones where your ship will get impounded. It would be nice if you can use buggies in these areas like the cities. Or if you don't want to take the tram to the space port you can drive there and have to store your buggies. As a gold sink you should have to pay for ship and vehicle storage.

  9. "I don't want it to be about money but what else is there?" Very good question. We need treasure for special events. Maybe paint for your ship or you have to fight a boss for special armor and weapons. This would spice up these events. The only issue is how do you split treasure up with the party members?

  10. Building Bases would be nice but I think we need true server meshing before that could happen. I have been in MMOs where you can build houses and what happens is all of the "buildable" land gets filled up and certain place become higher value than others. If you are close to a mine or a scrap yard then your property would be way more valuable. At fist it is a huge land grab. Then you would need decay so that if you made a "house/base" and you don't play a lot then it would need to decay and fall to free up the land that is no longer used. If we had this however it would be a cool place to display your stuff like those Fish Tanks and allow for new specialized treasure.

  11. I had one where I spawned into the game and I was phased into the bed and dies right away but then I was in the bed. I get up and everything seemed fine other than I I had a dead marker under me but as I ran to the tram all of my stuff disappeared off of my body and was on my dead person. I could not fly into the city to get to my dead marker. I got so mad I just Alt+F4 but forgot you could not log back into the server you were on.

  12. That is the way it should be. If you crash to desktop or 30K you should be sent back to the server you were just in. I have tried for hours doing the Alt+F4 to try and get back to a server I was on so I could go get my stuff with it working maybe like 2% of the time because a lot of the time you get back to the same server you don't want. I was putting hospital gowns in the elevators of the places I visited so I new the next time I logged and I saw the gown then to Alt+4 right away. The ASOP knows where your ship is because it will say. If it knows then you should be able to do a Deliver and wait for it to bring your ship back to the hanger but no you have to file a claim.

  13. I definitely think server meshing is critical to an avalanche of content. But, it does feel like the software and pc/internet tech will need to converge in advancement before we see server meshing become successful.

    I think that's one of the reasons the focus is on SQ42. CIG is seeing a bottleneck in tech.

  14. I stopped playing Star Citizen now after loosing 1.6 million of aUEC 3 times in a row with cargo transits. The game is unplayable. Actually I prefer playing Zelda, Far Cry 5, Hogwarts Legacy and Splatoon 3. Starting in september I will probably play Cities Skylines 2 and Starfield. Perhaps I will have a look into this STar Citizen BUGGY HELL OF A TECH DEMO again next year 😉

  15. I think all these videos at the end should let people know how many 30ks and bugs were encountered trying to make a 10min video.

    SC ads already spread enough BS

  16. Dual Universe has a beacon thing for asteroids once it's been scanned and found. I believe it's on a timer, but not currently playing Dual Universe because it's Dual Universe.

  17. The reason why 95% of people play solo is because it is more profitable to play solo. If you play in a group (eg bounties) the payout gets divided amongst a group. If it was more profitable to play in a group then people will play know a group. So it's all about AUEC to buy ships.


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