Evolutionists SCRAMBLE to Make Sense of This Evidence

Evolutionists are SCRAMBLING to make sense of the new evidence of biblical creation. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.

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“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1 ESV)

Jean-Jacques Hublin, paleoanthropologist: ‘Evolution is the story of a great extinction’

The Morality of Having Kids in a Burning, Drowning World

Cosmopolitan is really out here promoting “Satanic Abortion” rituals
https://notthebee.com/article/cosmopolitan-magazine-is-really-out-here-promoting-satanic-abortion-and-sharing-the-rituals-used-in-the-practice (this was the only source I could find that included the Instagram posts)  

Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision saves 32,000 babies from abortion: report

Scientists Created a Monkey With Two Different Sets of DNA

The New Quest to Control Evolution

How Humans Could Evolve Into Another New Species


21 thoughts on “Evolutionists SCRAMBLE to Make Sense of This Evidence”

  1. Them talking about how compassionate God is for not striking down these people running that abortion website should be a hint to them if they weren't so blinded that God doesn't exist. Why should he bother with that when he didn't bother to strike down Hitler, pol pot or any other despot you can think of. I guess not surprising since this is the same entity that supposedly determined that all the firstborn in Egypt must die amongst other horrors in the OT

  2. I clicked on this video because it said evolutionist are baffled about something but I watched the whole thing and there was nothing like that. I've fallen for clickbait I guess

  3. Cancer is a mutation, and the cell becomes independent of the host which then steals resources from the body all while not being recognized by the body, it then multiplies then the problem is increased, trying to mutate a mutation is asking for trouble. If you guys could actually state some facts that would be great along with cutting down the passive aggressive insults to the modern sciences, but over all an entertaining show and you brought stuff up I was not aware of such as the satanic abortion thing which is terrible.

  4. I find that you audio is of a very low volume! When I searched under stats for nerds, I found the volume of the audio for this video to be at -23.1 db! That's too low. Can you please ask your video editor to pull up the volume to be at least at 14 LUFS?

  5. Speices are broken down into various categories, Human and Ape all ape regardless of which belong to the bipedal. We have but two legs and two arm's not four or more leg's and no arm but the one we utilze as weapon's generally referred to as gun's. LOL

    Though we are closely according to DNA that of the APE, Because they have a definite 48 Chromozns and we have except in an extremely few case's, only 46. If we evovled from APE. It was due to a mutation that went wild. In which perhaps at first a breed of ape lost one of it's chromozone's and those somehow lost another. I'm courious as to how exactly a chomozone get's lost and what happen's if "WE" were to loose another just as those with 47 did, which cused us to be us. Having only 45 would be as different to human's as having 47. Which those that do, are even more simular to us, that we include them as human. Where having 48 we do not.

    I've alway's wondered as to the how and why and extreme cost in time, effort, and funding attemping to figure out our past since the first time up to and including today; When it doesn't really matter. Much in the same way spending any and all of the time, effort and funding does in the study of where we might end up someday. When someday come's none of us today will experience it anyway. The effort, time and funding could be better spent dealing with the issue's "WE" have with one another today, rather than the issue's we had yesterday, or might have tomorrow.

    What you did yesterday is of no concern to me, what you would do tommorw has the same degree of concern. It's what you do today, that is the issue. MAN today is capable of doing any and everything we've done in the past, we are not cabpable of doing anything tomorrow. There is only today; And we only disagree with everything, sometime's to the point those who force their way and those who are elected. Acting as our parent's, inform us as to exactly what today is to consist of. Which is alway's altered when tomorrow comes.

    Just as any and every category of "ANIMAL" which include's human. Human's have different categories they constantly change. EVERY ANIMAL SPIECES has a MEGA, an ALPHA, Male's though extremly simular to that of Female's are not the same. What we refer to, though it's never be possible to debate with; The lower form of animal's. We are the more intelligent and yet using such more intelligent have been in the process of envolving different ways, eliminating other human's. No other "ANIMAL" has a process in regard's to elimateing any other of their particual spieces.

    It's been stated and human's are to the N-th degree; Obsesed with it, to the point it's a mandate; "WE" have purpose! In my more than 74 year's of being alive on a planet in which only "WE" declare as "OUR'S". "WE" are the only ANIMAL that has such a thng referred to as purpose and that purpose seem's to be when spelled "G R E E D". Unlike any other biological life form which only take's what it need's, we are obsessed to the N-th degree with not only what we need. But "WANTING" more of it than anyone else.

  6. part of the issue is that many evolutionists could care less about our evidence and have indeed chosen their belief just like we have chosen ours. And even some of our side try to still convince evolutionists who could care less and have made their decision. And maybe it is sometimes hard to identify such people. Being that we want as many people as possible to learn and to know the truth and to see all the actual evidence that God has given us in the natural world. Yet also I believe it is important for us to be careful to identify that some indeed are totally “married” to their evolutionism and atheism and very much could care less about empirical natural or archaeological evidence that proves the Bible or very prominently pokes holes into the evolutionary theories.

  7. There is no way to prove a fossil is a transitional fossil. You find a bone in the ground, the only thing you know is it was an animal or human. There is nothing to show it was one thing changing into another thing.


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