Evil-Lyn Origins – Most Vile, Alluring And Dangerous Evil Sorcerss In He-Man Universe Explored!

Evil-Lyn Exploring This Alluring Evil Sorceress From He-Man Universe

#heman #mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation


23 thoughts on “Evil-Lyn Origins – Most Vile, Alluring And Dangerous Evil Sorcerss In He-Man Universe Explored!”

  1. The funny thing about all of the Masters of the Universe thing is, it was (like most 80s kids stuff) created as toys first then made into cartoons as basically very long toy commericals, etc. You get the idea but I only bring it up here for this. They started off with pretty much all male characters being hulking toys with all female characters being Barbie-like toys… they were differently-colored differently accessorized same-mold(s) using toys. The early writing of their stories was even lazy writing. It started off as simplistic toy marketing for stupid kids. It became an interesting expanded (and expanding universe/multiverse) thing that pretty much made Evil-Lyn an epic 3-dimentional complex character instead of the basic Skeletor "not a minion" minion.

  2. Not to take the focus away from Evil-Lyn, but Jon Cypher (the General on 'Major Dad') was perfectly cast as Man At Arms in the 1987 MOTU film. And of course, Meg Foster was spot-on for her respective role as well.


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