Everything You Need to Know: No Man's Sky Outlaw Update 2022 Patch Notes and News

All info released on the No Man’s Sky Outlaw update in one place! New ships, more ships, outlaw stations, pirate missions, Twitch Drops, New Outlaw Expedition and more! You don’t want to miss this No mans sky outlaw update news and patch notes vid.

#NoMansSky #NoMansSkyOutlaws

Official Patch Notes Page: https://www.nomanssky.com/outlaws-update/

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PC Specs:
CPU: Intel i9-9900KF
GPU: RTX 2080 Super
MB: MSI MPG 2390 Gaming Pro Carbon AC
PS: Corsair RM850


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32 thoughts on “Everything You Need to Know: No Man's Sky Outlaw Update 2022 Patch Notes and News”

  1. A simple money exploit for you guys: You can sell anything from your ships cargo inventory and the items wont go away. Stack up on salvaged data and sell it infinitely from your ships cargo for infinite money. Gonna be patched soon.

  2. The pirate update is awesome….just wish more players were around….wished more players would leave damage on and actually make it interesting and fun…..on console we can't talk to others without being in a party …..I would like to be able to contact another player through existing communications panel in the ship, just like how you can select players close to you to transfer items…..we should be able to contact near by players through our ship communications….how awesome would that be….arrrggghhh you scally wags!!! Drop me at least 1k of whatever I need or prepare to walk the plank, thanks for the cooperation gentlemen have a nice day……o7 captain.

  3. I really want too see the dev’s reach out too other space franchise games nothing like destiny more like METROID , have a samus ship exotic skin , possible helmet and maybe body armour models I mean hell even her hand cannon works with this game since hers had multiple use shots, anyone else get that dead space kinda feel for those derelict freighters? I’d personally like too see more scary shit in these perhaps a broken down space station inhabited by some predatory species that leads too a queen boss , you get where I’m going with these ideas though

  4. If the S key locks onto target during a dogfight, what key disengages? Had a freighter spawned in while bringing a squad of sentinel ships into space. Because I was just flying in circles like a tard with no way to have direct control of my ship, I ended up glitching into the freighter and faceplanting against a wall, depleting my shields in about two seconds. Used up all my reserve mats trying to keep my shields replenished hoping I would glitch out, but nope. Lost a full ship worth of mats. What complete garbage!!! Maybe I missed something, but I've been looking around for the past hour and there doesn't seem to be a keybinding to disengage. Hope you like flying in circles with no way to control your ship, because that's all you can do if you hit S, as far as I can tell.

  5. They're just making up for the immense screw up years ago. I respect Sean and Hello Games immensely despite being one of hardcore disappointed haters what in 2016. I'll he a Hello Games fan for a long time after they busted their azzes to get this game up to our expectations. They could have just done what 99% of other developers do (mostly AAA devs) and just took our money and do nothing.

  6. I think this, might be (what I have looked for for 25+ years) Privateer(s) Unleashed…
    Yeah, still some of us old pilot's hanging around in the clouds! Literal Clouds – (not S.E.C. – Someone Else Computer, Cloud).
    I just started 2 days ago and I will say is it a hot mess of NO INFO on what is what or where is where (besides it's really cool tutorial) but it begs FAR more than what it gives you, from my understanding – it 'builds' on itself' and I am finding this to be true. It is a true (You have to stick with it) – kind of game, for it to become easier and far more productive. Happy Fly By!

  7. Super sick update. Got me playing again after taking about a year or two off. Got lucky and found a pirate system on my third warp and made 50mil in no time at all. Just started messing with the settlement update too and it’s kind of fun to run your own little town. Has some mellowed down frost punk vibes going on. Still unbelievable that they keep releasing actual updates for this game that would be considered expansions by other games.

  8. Even though it has been a little bit since the Outlaw Update, I can certainly say that Hello Games is doing such a fantastic job at updating this game. They really have turned around their notoriety for this game. I never would have thought this game would be where it is now, when I first got in in 2016. Really proud of Hello Games and their commitment and dedication to making a once lifeless, bland, and lie of a game, into one of the greatest game comebacks now to be known.

    I am glad to own this game, and play it, and can't wait to see what they do next. Just hope they fix some of the old bugs like the duplication bug when your Jetpack, Life Support Systems, and Hazard Protection System duplicate and you get stuck with it unless you revert back to a save before that happened.

  9. With expeditions 2 update i had over 165 fps in 2k at max settings. Now since latest update i have crazy stutters and framedrops and it really lowered my fps to 80-90 fps! Wtf. Logic? From +165 to 80-90 fps 🙄 why? Did the update mess things up? I have a pretty high end system like real high end and i can run any game maxed with high fps except for no man's sky since its latest update. Its really unplayable. And i refuse to lower graphic settings because that would be ridiculous 😂 i didnt pay lots of money for a high end system to play a game on low or medium or even high. Its ultra or nothing and with ultra i mean every setting maxed. I dont use fsr because thats for poor people with low end gpus that need higher fps 🙄 my rx 6800 xt can run anything maxed with high fps without the need of a damn upscaler. Native reso is always the best period. So does anyone else have stutters and framedrops since latest update? Is there a fix?

  10. 5 things I would love to see:

    1) Ability to control bigger ships i.e. corvettes or frigates and walk around /customize the interior/pilot with others
    2) Allow anti-air turrets for bases and settlements, and allow AI to get into fighters to defend from pirates
    3) Ability to build/buy a space-station of sorts, or takeover a station like the pirates can
    4) Overhaul to ground combat (gunplay, dodging, etc) since it feels a bit too simple and robotic to me
    5) Allow capital on capital ship combat. I would like it to be full on Star Wars like but that's just my bias

  11. They need to start making some outfits that we can buy with real money, so those of us who would like to contribute for the hard work they keep putting into the game can donate some money. If enough of us suggest something like that on their website, they would probably add something like that. They've more than made up for the very easy to make mistake they made, and they deserve to get paid y'all. Let's see if we can make that happen.

  12. Great work to the developers their investment in the game won’t go unappreciated nor will the game fade away.
    “No Man Sky 2” will make its debut in the future with hopes of the same attention done as the first.

  13. Hey Bob. Thanks for all the great content! Some of my favorite videos! I'm curious when they nerfed the qty of resources players can buy at the different stations and posts from NPCs.


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