Everything Wrong With New World & How To Fix It (If It Can Be)

New World is broken in some parts, but there are ways to fix it! Right now, it’s dominated by bugs, exploits, and strange design decisions, but are there easy ways to improve the game?

Start 00:00
War Mode 02:00
Bugs 03:45
Invasions 06:00
Trading Post 06:50
Level 60 Activities 09:20
Too Many BOP 12:50
Questing 13:56

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40 thoughts on “Everything Wrong With New World & How To Fix It (If It Can Be)”

  1. I feel like healing needs to be on the list. It's a fundamental part of the game, but if you heal someone who is fighting, you get NO credit for the kill. No XP, no loot.

    Solo levelling as a healer is the absolute worst, you get mediocre single target damage – fine, you're a healer – no decent AoE so every fight is either 10 minutes long or 1-2 mobs max at a time, and if you have to fight your way in to a place for a quest, the mobs respawn faster than you can get any further in, because of how long it takes to kill them. You're so squishy you need to be absolutely on point with your dodges too.

    Individually these things are fine, you play a healer you don't expect to do much damage, but for such a fundamental role in the game it feels like you're actively punished for playing one. There is literally no upside to it, especially as a solo.

  2. Another issue:
    Lack of creative enemies/content, right now, pretty much all mobs are the same model/animation/combat style. It's fighting the same thing over and over again, it's just like questing, there lacks really any creativity on design. It's almost like Amazon used an AI to make the game. It has a great base to build off of, but then the dev team and art team just fumbled the ball once they got the basic concept done.

  3. I really think the auto attack animation should be on this list. It feels so bad to use melee weapons because it locks you into your attack for almost 2 full seconds but mobs attack within 1 second of turning white so you just have to know their attack pattern. It feels really silly that you cannot reaction block their attacks. takes a ton of skill component out of the game especially when you can get chain stunned by every single mob attack if you pull more than 3 at a time

  4. Very well said and valid points brought up here. I think one thing though that most people don't seem to understand is that servers are different in the problems they seem to have. Many things I've seen people complain about don't seem to happen on the server I'm on at all or it's super rare. I've only hag lag two times, one was because my network went down during a storm. The other time it was only for about 5 seconds. For me the two biggest problems are the trading post and the fact those that are in control of territories won't focus on keeping the resource and crafting tiers up. I can't process certain things to make better gear and items that might sell or help me move on to higher level zones. I have hope for this game and in the month it's been out I've seen that it looks like the devs are listening. There just might too much on the plate for them to tackle and that could lead to more problems. I saw in another video someone point out that a few years ago while this game was in development Amazon let go of half the programmers, now they're looking to hire more. Nice video and thanks for posting it.

  5. IMO, the sole problem with the game is that they put PvP in there. They should have focused on content such as enemy variety, outfits, the shop, quests, story, etc. As well, they needed an awesome end game event(s) or something along those lines. PvP single handedly ruined the game for me because that's what everyone views as endgame. That's just me. I quit the game after 100 something hrs.

  6. Hello Vulkan my Bud…. I love all your Videos since ages…. But i have to say this video isnt good i think. NW is just 1 month live and needs to be polished. I agree but…. Give them the time dat they need. NW wasnt planed as a servicegame but now it is…. Look at the beginning of WoW…. Or Guild Wars…. Both games wasnt perfect at the beginning…. Have that in your mind dude.

  7. I lvl'd to 60 in 1 weeks. Mine as well as many of my friends have an issue ppl don't talk about. The fact at lvl 60 with 3 tier 5 bags you as a player have a larger holding weight then a bank. Currently the bank space ( with no house purchased ) is too limiting. You can only own 3 houses. Storage space is a MAJOR issue.

  8. The best we can hope for them to "fix" questing is make them give you more XP, and push people faster to the next level cap, I think most players wouldn't mind the dull questing if we had more endgame contentent, it worked perfectly, was fun

  9. I want to be able to sell items in bulk. Listing items individually is so slow.
    Having unique item drops be bound on pickup is unfortunate. I don't need 10 identical purple rapiers, let me sell them.
    Edit: noticed you cover BOP.
    Also; I haven't played in weeks. My GPU died 40 hours in and Gigabyte( the manufacturer) blames Amazon for the failure. They say that the user understands the risk of playing New World and potentially killing their hardware.

  10. One thing I’ve been saying since this game came out is "I can’t wait to see how good this game is in 6 months to a year!” There is such an insane amount of potential with this game’s world, but it just hasn’t been realized yet. Final fantasy was the same way when it launched, and look what became of it! Not to excuse all of the problems, but I still retain high hopes. Nonetheless, I will be slowly working my way to 60, then I will take a break and move to other games until it is better.

  11. One thing I don't see anyone talking about ids the excessive tax rates. 500 gold for 5 days is just ridiculous for a low level house. And if you pay it early you don't get credit for the paying early. It's due again from the time you pay it. Overall economy really needs a lot of attention as well. When people are listing items for sale for no profit then it completely de -incentives crafting in the game. You should be able to level up crafting and make a small profit to have a reason for it beyond making one or two sets of armor and weapons at or near the end game.

  12. I played closed beta and thought "This game is SHIT" so I got a refund… I'm actually shocked at the length people will go to defend this game. 100s of youtube CCs complain about how bad this game is while still playing 12+ hours a day… I don't know how you can stand it… I think sunk cost and sunk time are obscuring your judgement

  13. If players didn't feep like they needed to be the highest gear score possible as quick as possible, they would have more fun. I have been having an absolute blast just exploring and testing my skills against every enemy type I come across.

    Part 2: In your bit about questing you almost word for word described a real quest in the game. Slow down and pay attention to the dialogue and I think you'll find that some of these quests are actually pretty cool. No doubt many people missed the story in the personal quests to be the best. There's tons of lore throughout the zones to collect and read as well that paint a picture of what happened there.

  14. Other than fixing the many and I mean many bugs I’d like some small quality of life things added.

    1-let me Q for outpost rush from anywhere on the map. Sometimes the Lobbies just don’t fill quickly and I wanna go out and do other shit.
    2- allow looking into the inventory when not in a PvP situation or flagged for PVP.
    3- Some form of in game merchant to normalize Auction house items. Currently on my serve so many items are sitting around .01 gold and it makes the entire economy a shit show. Constant undercutting makes it damned near impossible to keep track of item pricing.

  15. I agree with most of this feedback for sure and I really hope they listen and fix things. However, I can honestly walk away from the game right now satisfied that I got my money's worth. I've put hundreds pf hours in and have had a blast for $40. I probably won't be walking away any time soon though. Probably going to stick with it until Halo Infinite. launches.

  16. I got to level 19 and took a break for similar reasons to this vid. The market UI is torture, no global storage shed search. And yes the quests are repetitive and boring. I've seen other MMOs at least put mini puzzles and minigames into their quests, or press F on the things, but you need to pick up the correct item from a rack first. There's more options than kill and collect. And gw2 mostly does away with the tedium of having to return to a quest giver to collect your rewards and progress the quest chains.

  17. I've enjoyed Newworld, working a lot at the moment, so only lev 48, got to say the questing element is terrible Solo, this game is so much better than Bless Unleashed, but I will say that bless story quests wiped the floor with new worlds, engaging, intriguing like the old WOW long quest chains, its a shame they neglected this, also the lack of choice on quest rewards, 90% are no use to anyone, also the Lag in-game makes Bow a pain in the ass, though I've stuck to it along with Hatchet

  18. You left out the one thing I keep hearing people complain about… taxes vs spending capital (gold). Taxes on crafting. Taxes on trading. And extreme taxes on housing. All without reliable gold from questing, or selling, or whatever. The economy needs fixing.

  19. i agree questing was pretty bad, BUT my main problems with the game are 1. traveling, we need mounts or need to reduce the cost of fast travel, takes forever to get anywhere. 2. weapons, the starting weapons are okay, but the fact we dont have some of the basic weapons that i feel any game should have is mind boggling to me(example: dual weld swords, great swords, daggers etc etc). last but not least the GS grind, its sooo boring and thats all there seems to be for PVE once you hit 60. The game overall was fun, game has a ton of potential, but i cant even force myself to log in any more once i hit 60.

  20. I have to say that despite enjoying the game, this has to be one of the most buggy releases I have ever played in recent history. I feel like every single play session I have I run into minor bugs and irritations, nevermind the major bugs that are still a constant issue. Feels like every time they fix something they break something else.

  21. i leveled to level 60 took about 2 weeks or so becuase i didnt rush got to endgame and relised i didnt like it theres nothing to do and to me the pvp is okay but its laggy glitchy framedrops ect and i have okay computers i think this game is way over demanding in terms of hardware so i quit went back to ESO tbh there was alot of stuff in new world i didnt care for


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