#captainbenzie #EVEEchoes #EVEOnline #evevanguard #fanfest

πŸš€ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ Come join EVE Online! β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’πŸš€
Use my referral link to get 1 MILLION Skill Points Free – even if you’ve already started playing!!

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25 thoughts on “EVERYTHING I Know From Fanfest About EVE VANGUARD”

  1. I agree benzie. I don't know why everyone acts like ccp should get everything perfect and make everyone happy on the first try. I think it's amazing they've kept eve going for twenty years and are still developing it. I'm not much of a shooter guy but I'm excited to give this a shot. Especially when I don't have anything going on in the wormhole and I'm too lazy to roll. Even if it doesn't work I think it's retry sweet they are giving it another shot.

  2. The integration with eve is basically already there, dust players were able to join eve corps, I remember adding my dust character to my corp back then, and even chating, so in programing terms the module is already built, maybe some adjustments but i'm glad it will work like this. One point of concern is the gun model… Looks too much like something from our age, I remember in dust we had allot of different types of guns, minmatar being the "normal" ones because lets face it, in rust we trust. Yeah I know it's pre alpha but still I hope they bring allot of the design from dust because, as you said in the video Benzie, it was ahead of it's time for sure. About the endless possibilites, all I want from them is to create something simple and enjoyable, then add it later. Have a strong core with strong mechanics and gameplay, then you start doing crazy stuff. All in all, i'm pumped for EvE Vanguard, I hope to participate in the betas or even alphas, as someone who still have dust514 installed on my ps3 πŸ˜€

  3. Very good video, I hope the loot we Get could be used on my eve account , bpc and stuff , hope there will be a direct link to my eve account down the line, there must be a reason I should use eve playtime on this 😊😊

  4. Resurrecting YOURSELF doesn't seem fitting mechanic. But needing ATLEAST 50 biomass to revive a teammate, I think that might be it. Also the number above seems to be just precise number of the compass.
    Thanks for your insight tho.

  5. I was really upset about CCP putting Dust on PS3, killed the potential for the game and it looked quite fun, hope they keep the suit fitting mechanic, that was cool, it's interesting that they made it into an extraction shooter, should help with the onboarding of outside players since that genre seems quite popular but good extraction shooters are rare.
    Love the look of it, reminds me of Star Citizen Marine module which I liked a lot (back when my pc could run SC).

  6. Eve online: We have a new creative idea! Eve vanguard! The Game will be heavily integrated with Eve online and plenty of more content available for both sides to enjoy!

    Eve echoes: give us your money, here's some bread crumbs enjoy. Oh wait, did we say bread crumbs? We mean floor sweepings. No actually it's just cat turds give us more money

  7. Interesting I've gotten 2-3 surveys over the past 2 years asking if I would like to see the return of an FPS and did I enjoy Dust 514. Of course I said I loved those game and would love to see an fps in some form return. I know I'll be playing this like crazy when it releases in December or so the site says.

  8. Congrats on meeting CCP Hellmar and him knowing who you were. Pretty awesome!

    Would be all over this game, as I used to play FPS games hardcore in the past, but unless they port it to mobile tablets, probably won’t get to play it.

    BTW the number in the diamond at the top middle of the screen is an emphasized directional indicator as well (ie 227 degrees). Not sure why it’s duplicated when you can see the direction roughly on the main line above it. That said though, the overall interface for the most part is pretty sweet.

  9. It sounds like Vanguard will be so integrated they wont be able to just ignore it like they did with Dust. Also it being PC based and made in house helps I imagine and not being tied to a console with limitations will no doubt make Vanguard a successful FPS this time around.

  10. Am i the only one a bit sad that it will still be a different game and not inside Eve Online? If it was in Eve online they could have done missions where you have to secure a station that pirates took over, kill them outside of the station, then dock and get a bunch of people inside the station and then it becomes an FPS and you have to clear the station from the pirates etc

  11. you know what you have to do the next time to see shortfall… get him a "I am a bot" tshirt. πŸ˜›

    Your idea of eve players providing extraction for vanguard players would be fantastic. Obviously that shouldn't be necessary for every game mode, the game needs to be able to stand on it's own independent of EVE… But if an eve player could find a location… provide insertion… and then extraction… that would be pretty sweet. That could be one of the perks of omega for vanguard too… the ability to run both your vanguard character and an eve character on the same account, at the same time. (I'm all about finding ways to make the sub worthwhile without it just giving the sub more power than the f2p player.)

    I want CCP to open up the planets for EVE players as well. 100km warp disruption field around the surface of the planet… and a bunch of pois on the surface and in atmosphere. Some of which you'd be able to just interact with in the eve client to do normal eve gameplay, and other's you'd be able to interact with in order to do a vanguard insertion. It would also be great to be able to provide support from eve into vanguard. Not just orbital bombardment, but also guiding players via mapping (basically acting as an operator) or providing support through using a hacking module (turning systems on and off and opening and closing doors,) dropping security drone escorts, supply drops, flares, ect.

    The special pois on planets for vanguard to interact with would work great as a point of contact for fw and sov to integrate that game into eve gameplay.


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