Everything GREAT About Control!

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29 thoughts on “Everything GREAT About Control!”

  1. I was wondering how you did 2 videos back to back. Especially ones so different and control being so open to interpretation. Welcome, Gabe, and also damn control makes way more sense now that I can see the themes behind it.

  2. Alright 1. I want to say thank you he you post amazing content cause you post like you have millions of subs and yet somehow you have 250k which is crazy i have been following forever and I just can't believe that you don't have like million of subs but keep it up people will see how amazing you are.

    2. cod ghost is sooo underrated and over hated lmao 😂

  3. Decided to jump into the expansions with the new Alan Wake 2 release, one of them is about Bright Falls specifically. This game will age well, it looks amazing. Gameplay is great too, switching between a gun and using environment to damage enemies. There is also Half Life 2-esque mechanics. The puzzles in the Alan Wake Expansion are pretty well done too, Dr. Hartman is genuinely terrifying and difficult.

  4. Fun fact about Finish tango, while the first verse applies heavily to Alan Wake, I feel the second verse after the chorus applies more to Quantum Break! A nice nod to both games, particularly the latter!

  5. I usually never bother with lore in video games. I'm here to kill things with guns or swords or both. But with Control? I read everything. Every report. Every item description. Every enemy profile. There's just something about this kind of story that I couldn't put down. I fell in love at first sight and I'm so glad I got the chance to play this game.

    There's often the question of "If you could go back and experience one game again for the first time, what would it be" and my answer will always be Control.

  6. Kinda disagree with you regarding the nature of Polaris and the Hiss.
    I can see how you got your conclusion, but I notice that the Hiss is amorphous and erratic, almost like oil atop water, while Polaris is an ordered spiral. The Hiss represents pure unadulterated freedom (as Jesse puts it, a gas leak) which factors into why Dylan let it in

  7. The FBC and all the OOPs/Altered Items stuff reminded me a lot of that old Syfy show Warehouse 13. Was a fun show and I hope future FBC stories take some more inspiration for more crazy stories.


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