EVEN MORE Nexomon 3 Gameplay Info, NEW Dragon Taming Game Releases Tmrw & More! | Monster Tamer News

Some interesting stuff this week. Let me know what you guys think!


Monster Crown TCG Kickstarter:

Bugaboo Pocket Steam:

Monster Tribe Steam:

Dragon Spirits Steam:

Cassette Beasts Steam:

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Check Out These Monster Taming Videos:

Top 10 Upcoming Monster Taming Games in 2023 and Beyond:

10 Upcoming Mobile Monster Taming Games:

20 Upcoming Monster Taming Games for Nintendo Switch:

7 Upoming Monster Taming Games For Mobile:

10 More Monster Taming Switch Games:

Nexomon Extinction Starter Evolutions Explained:

Coromon Starter Evolutions Explained:

Is Coromon Worth it?
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Avatar: Bisloba

End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
Composer: https://www.youtube.com/c/DaviVasc
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-Dro Ghost: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1VrzcYtdTwyB51D63E_3g
-Jim Hamilton
-Candy Morency

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#evocreo #nexomon #coromon #cassettebeasts #monstertaming #pokemon


49 thoughts on “EVEN MORE Nexomon 3 Gameplay Info, NEW Dragon Taming Game Releases Tmrw & More! | Monster Tamer News”

  1. OMG ED I played that dragon taming game!!! It was a demo on itchio I though they gave up on it since I heard no news on it!!! Pretty much the story is a boy or girl gets transported into a world and that world is a game they decided to make while they were in college. And it kind of goes in between both of them like dreams but that was in the demo from a couple years ago so I don't know if it's still going to do that but the game is pretty fun

  2. I'm so excited that that dragon Timmy game is a full release now I love the demo I played it twice and I tried keeping up to date with it for like a year or two but there I heard no news so weird that they're just randomly releasing the whole thing now but I'm happy

  3. Really hyped for more strategic potential in the Nexomon series. The only reason I haven’t went into Nexomon yet is simply because there didn’t seem to be much depth to strategy in it. With the unique ideas they’re throwing around, Nexomon 3 could become one of my favorite monster taming games yet!

  4. So dragon spirits might be aimed more towards a Japanese audience considering a good chunk of the text in the trailer in the menus was Japanese. Also its only supposed to be $10 with a 20% off launch weekend discount so I would say there is still decent odds of people getting it if it interest them.

  5. Regarding the Pokémon patch it mostly fixes issues related to the Tera raids and the legendary raids they added on Pokémon day this year (yes even when they added a new feature it was broken 🤦🏻‍♂️) the patch doesn’t fix performance glitches and bugs unfortunately

  6. I will agree that they should have fixed the saving bug a lot sooner for Scarlet and Violet but honestly, I am just glad they did it at all. It's better than leaving it to be buggy in case people do want to play it, you know? So while I think they should have fixed it long ago, I'm just glad it did get fixed for people who do get affected by it.

  7. Always glad to help Ed 😄 Nexomon is one of my favorite games so I’m keeping a hawk eye on the discord server for news 😂 that dragon spirit game looks interesting is it releasing on the switch?

  8. While I like the look of the Dragon Spirits game, I'm not very optimistic about the localization based on the trailer. It wasn't terrible, but I've been burned too many times by localizations gone wrong. I will have to watch some footage as I do wish the game the best

  9. I definitely agree with you on the releases being to close to each other being detrimental. The market for this genre is already very limited and niche with the vast majority of ppl not even knowing that there is an actual genre for monster taming besides just Pokemon. I fail to understand why would anyone feel offended with your takes because they are completely accurate, the devs are doing nothing but sabotaging their success by scheduling their releases all at once. I cannot afford anything more them Cassete Beasts rigth now and once im done with the game i migth not be felling like jumping rigth into another monster tamer immediately, and end up not playimg those other amazing games what its just a shame.

  10. Evocreo 1 and 2 should be ported to consoles as well us console players would like to play it soon! Still finger crossing for a Physical release of Coromon and can't wait to hear more on Nexomon 3.

  11. I'm really interessted in the game and I have to say it all the time, because of how i answer, but I'm not sure if you will accidently make me know everything about the game "in and out", before I actually started it if I watch everything.
    Please just tell us what we can watch without getting to many spoilers I know there are some that can watch everything and enjoy the game and others are different.
    I'm not sure where I stand, I just want to be able to fully enjoy the game and suprises are nice I guess.
    At this game it just looks a bit like I might see to much before the game is actually out.

  12. Important notice regarding the Monster Crown TCG:

    Sorry if there are any mistakes in writing, I used Google Translate

    Apparently the kickstarter goal was reached for a single donation of $30,000, but the Monster Crow team investigated and found that it could be a scam. According to information, other projects also received high donations in the final stretch of the campaign, but these donations were revoked with just a few hours left to end the kickstarter. In all cases, the Monster Crown team is disregarding this donation and still needs approximately $5200 to successfully complete the campaign.

  13. If you come around to it, I would love to hear something about the mods, how that works and everything, so far no one ever told me since I got interessted, how easy or difficult it might be to reduce it to the base game, if a mod messes your game up a bit.
    Since everyone gives you the option, but I often here no one can help you if that mod creates a giant mess.

  14. To be fair to dragon spirits, it might be that because it doesn't seem to be an English game to begin with it might have been more well known about in it's native tongue and is only now being translated so more people can try it. That is just my theory though.

  15. also remember I mentioned CHKN few times? Its now FREE on steam as sadly there was some problems on develeopers side. I still would love you to take a peek as its VERY unique concept.

  16. 3:53 no I am done with Pokémon for now. I do not like how Pokémon scarlet and violent went and how they handled it. they were more concerned about getting their dlc out than fixing and addressing their customers’ issues.

  17. Hmmm the dragon game looks like an rpg maker game. From what I hear those tend to be miss over hit most of the time. Would probably wait for some reviews to come out for it especially referring to the the translation. Given I’m not particularly interested in the other two games releasing right now so I’ll keep my eye on it.

  18. I'm not really looking at Nexomon 3 until I see a more interesting combat system. And it really has to be an overhaul. The last game's combat wasn't just disappointing, it was boring. I also find it interesting that you feel so certain Cassette Beasts will be the biggest seller. Dragon Spirits is a very different game. It feels more JRPG based on the Steam page and it looks far more detailed. Honestly, I'm more feeling buying that one than Cassette Beasts. But, as I've said before, these games aren't the same genre. Monster tamer is a subgenre spread between many different game types, in the same way roguelike and deckbuilders are subgenres of other larger genres. That's not a bad thing, but it does mean that most of the games don't directly compete. While pokemon likes, eg RPGs where you collect a team of monsters and battle the monsters against each other in traditional RPG style, will compete with each other to some extent, JRPG pokemon likes won't compete as much with western RPG pokemon likes. And nonpokemon likes, like Monster Rancher, Poglings, and Patch Quest, won't compete with them at all. Within the community of monster tamer enthusiasts, yes, we will have to choose if we have limited funds, but someone looking at Dragon Spirits who isn't a monster taming enthusiast, probably isn't that interested in Cassette Beasts or Monster Tribe. And people who enjoy Zelda likes are going to be piqued by Monster Tribe, but probably not Cassette Beasts or Dragon Spirits. You can't look at the games strictly from your subgenre enthusiam, though doing so is understandable.

  19. Monster Crown is the only game in recent memory I wish I got a refund for. What an awful experience and waste of money. I hate saying that because I was genuinely excited for the game to release, especially on consoles. Needless to say, I have no interest in their TCG.

  20. Too little too late for pokemon scarlet/violet. The glitches and bugs were unbearable, I returned my copies and will skip this generation.

    Cant be rewarding Gamefreak (the company, I know the developers tried) for that kind of stuff

  21. Question, am i the only one who finds nexomon: Extinctions combat extremely repetitive compared to actual pokemon combat? so far every single mon has felt extremely similar, especially in movesets… outside of the story the game offers, it feels like a extremely watered down pokemon game
    am i missing something? is there a mechanic I can unlock later on that adds more variety to combat?

  22. I like the look of Dragon Spirits. Apparently on the Steam discussion page, there was the theory that the game has been complete for awhile (there's mention of people playing a demo in 2020) but since it's a Chinese game, there was problems getting past some law that limits the amount of games that are published. So it could be that it's releasing so suddenly because the devs finally got past that law and just wanted to release it quickly. I might get it, but I'm not sure about the localisation. After Digimon Survive having an iffy localisation, not sure I want to play what looks like a heavily story driven game with a bad translation.

    Don't have any opinion on the Pokemon update. I was one of the people who enjoyed the hell out of Violet and didn't run into any of the bugs aside from odd shadow issues, so I have a positive view on the game.

  23. Dragon Spirits seems to be the English/Western release of a previously released game. There is a Steam listing for Dragon Spirits 2 (TBA release date) that doesn't currently support English but states "We are also working on English localization for Dragon Spirits 2. This might take a while since the word count is relatively larger."

  24. i just wish that more mosters tameing games and mosters tameing games would come to the west and to the Nintendo switch and make a physical copy of the game to hard try find some on the eshop to get some more mosters type games only tiny bit of a downer but iam glad they did with ooblets and I so love playing and getting hooked on aswell so hype what moster games they bring to the west I am getting one more new moster game in June so yeah Woot

  25. Skyrim killed many RPG's that were released around the same time, so I definitely think smart release dates are important for the success of a game, especially an indie game.

  26. Wasn't there a demo of the dragon taming game a few years ago? Or was that a different game. All i remember is that your character and the rest of the class got trapped inside a forrest (can't remember if it was a trial or something else happend).


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