ESO Secret Letter Reveals ….

In todays video we go over secret letter revealing Hermaeus Mora I am just a simple Elders Scrolls Online YouTuber and hey …


33 thoughts on “ESO Secret Letter Reveals ….”

  1. I might not be "super hype" about this but kind of at the same times since im enjoying the deadlands right now. Since we are not getting 2 zones, i hope its directly in oblivion. I cant wait to see the new class, im disapointed that it wont be a water base since i love the beach so much HAHA. The black books can be a new skill line witch will be spell crafting, but i expect it to be like antiquities and we get quality of life buff.

  2. Hermaeous Mora EXCELLENT! My second fav prince. I hope we get a home in apocryphal. I hope we gef a new weapon but spellcrafting is seeming more likely. I'm hoping we get some way to play abattle mage one handed and magic.

  3. Hermaes Mora doesn't usually seem innately evil. But more so neutral like some of the Lovecraftian Old Gods were. Often he'd keep certain texts and forbidden knowledge away from mortals to protect us from ourselves or because he knew we weren't ready to handle the knowledge. So, if he is in fact the main focus of the next expansion, then perhaps he's actually asking for our help, and not the big bad. Which would be a nice change of pace with the Deadric conflict themes. And his forbidden knowledge could also hint at him teaching us Spellcrafting – and we'll finally get that feature in the game. We'll see with the global reveal.

  4. """
    The future of at least two worlds hangs in the balance. […]
    Many paths lead forward, but only one ends with the survival of Nirn.
    At this particular moment, in this specific instance, you must be the thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling.

    If we sell enough copies of new ESO chapter – we keep ESO going, if not, we will scrape Nirn and move to the other new IP game asap ? 😉

  5. Such a cool reveal. Hermaeus Mora is one of my fav Daedric Princes (along with Mehrunes Dagon, 'cause a girl can't choose between book nerds and buff monsters. Gotta have both!). Absolutely loved Apocrypha in TES V so if we get to see it again in ESO, that would make my year.

  6. You called it! I hope your other predictions are right! I’d love to see Necrom and spell crafting would tie in beautifully with the Telvanni! I can’t wait to see some more dark elf lore!! Good job Jake! 🎉👏


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