Escape from Tarkov: Viewer Submitted Cheaters #4

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The Viewers Who Submitted The Clips




Runic –

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23 thoughts on “Escape from Tarkov: Viewer Submitted Cheaters #4”

  1. Such a good game… Sucks it went this way… Cheaters are little sluts and people buying stuff from them on RMT are nothing but simps and betas. Embrace the sigma grind mother f's… Just play the fucking game. No balls on multilayer no balls irl.

    Ps: thank you for bringing these to light. Unfortunately the more we know the less we play.

  2. 3:55 – I respect the fuck out of that bop to the dome; people that let hackers live so they can survive the raid are straight flops, either you kill them and get their name or they kill you can you get their name win win imo.

  3. I know there's a lot of people playing Tarkov RN but the facts that this guy can post a new hacker vid every day or other day from unique sources, not everyone sends to him, and that not everyone can capture it, the hacker problem isn't just a problem. It's incredibly pervasive.

  4. im sorry everyone my friend had just started playing the game that week and didnt know what todo or say coming face to face with a cheater like that, i know alot of you dont like it but me and my buddy explained to him the hacker problem and that no matter what they scummy as shit,

  5. Tarkov is the only game where I’ve noticed people calling hackers cheaters instead of hackers. Like sure, they are, but usually people call them hackers not cheaters. I wonder why that is?

  6. Great videos! at the end of video it would be great if you just display all the names from the hackers. 🙂 this wipe for me has been the sketchiest ever….it got me worried about the games future.

  7. Lets just get one thing clear here:

    A "hacker" is a person skilled in information technology who uses their technical knowledge to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle, within a computerized system by non-standard means.

    A "cheater" buys/downloads third-party software to gain an unfair advantage over other players.

    so dont go around calling everyone a hacker as hackers have skill to make cheats and cheaters have no skill whatsoever hence why they need the cheats.

  8. Ran into a cheater who was flying around like a mf then proceeded to call out my kd and other shit. I know of some of the cheat names like krabdefense and packs but ive never seen a dude fly around and shit. I asked what the name was called he said satan. Come to find out that cheat has a god mode. Got him to stand still in the air and tried killing with bp dude just looked at me and said “you know i cant die right” then well i got killed


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