Episode 7: Michael Schirtzer – Intractable Ideology. Zionism, Anti-Zionism, and Palestine

Michael Schirtzer, Comedian and co-host of the Palestine Pod, discusses Zionism and Anti-Semitism within the context of Palestine. We believe this is an important issue so we can consider this episode part 1 of 2 on this topic.

The Palestine Pod:


#israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #zionistregime #aipac #veteran #veteransforpeace #humanrightswatch #savethechildren #ccr #icj #icc #warcrimes #amnestyinternational #endwar #savegazapalestine #ceasefirenow


27 thoughts on “Episode 7: Michael Schirtzer – Intractable Ideology. Zionism, Anti-Zionism, and Palestine”

  1. I felt so much comradely and closeness as a Muslim to these two anti Zionist Jewish brothers and as an Iranian American we call our Jewish brethren’s kalimi since we call prophet Moses moosaye kalim which means Moses the favored from Allah or god almighty

  2. The Zionist propaganda is like fentanyl that has addicted and addled the political establishment 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 “if it’s free you are the product” 👏👏👏🤔brilliant 🇵🇸

  3. It’s how Muslims have historically provided a safe haven for Jews from the beginning of Islam! Look up your history book. It’s actually salt in the wounds for Arab Muslims what the Zionists have done

  4. Great episode guys! Perfect mix of guests. Loved the dynamic, the passion, and the levity at times. It was really interesting hearing from a Christian who was formerly a Zionist; his story of the brotherhood with his Palestinian dormmates made me misty-eyed. Keep it up! ❤

  5. There is nothing more antisemitic than saying the world needs a Jewish state for Jews to be safe. That’s no rocket science. Zionism is a anti-Jewish Jewish identity.

  6. I'm still waiting for a Roma or lgbtq state, they were persecuted as well during the Holocaust, and seemingly the only way to keep them safe is giving them a separate state?

  7. Mike, as a Palestinian, we appreciate your shoutout to us for building that corridor for Jews to escape from Zionism. We are famously good at building corridors, tunnels, all sorts of extended walkways. ✌️🇵🇸

  8. Can someone post the titles of the documentaries mentioned throughout the episode in the comments for us as a resource? If no one can do it quickly I’m happy to rewatch and add that info here. Let me know 🙂

  9. I was shocked to hear my boyfriend (he was born in California but moved to Austria when he was 9) say "NOW I really know that the USA is involved deeply and directly into everything Israel is doing" after Aaron Bushnell's final protest. I asked him "What do you mean -now-? Didin't you believe me nor all the evidence I showed you before?" He answered that he believed some of it but thought that mostly I was looking at the matter one-sided and manipulated by my own emotions (since I am a moslem woman from Bosnia). He needed Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation as "real proof" that the US is complicit in everything Israel does. The frustrating thing is that now I know how the hours spend in talking and explaining and showing proof didn't really change his mind at all.

    Thank you all for working so hard in the name of peace and the fu*king thruth 🖤

  10. Salaam
    I would like to thank you guys for all of the work you are doing to expose colonial Zionism .. I am an older American lady of mixed European decent who is married to a Lebanese man from the south. South Lebanon was occupied by Israel for 18 years amongst other crimes against humanity committed there . I am personally effected by what has been going on in the region by virtue of marrying into the Lebanese people’s culture, having children of Lebanese decent, with lots of extended family still living back in Lebanon. I consider Lebanon my second home having also lived there before. South Lebanon is very much connected to Palestine despite how the neocon Zionist Oded Yinon/PNAC /Clean Break plans for the region have tried to turn the people of the region against each other using sectarianism , tribalism and other methods of divide and conquer . I can’t tell you how grateful I am to hear young people like yourselves understand what’s going on and calling it out .. My own American family has not cared enough to know what our government has been doing in our names all of these years I have been married, even though I have tried to tell them .. Jews are not the only ones who need to deprogram themselves from decades of colonial Zionism .. My own non-Jewish European rooted family and friends from growing up still do, otherwise I really fear for our collective humanity’s future .. Please keep going with the work you are doing to educate people !
    My prayers , my love amd my support are with you 🤲🏻


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