Episode 5 – Awareness of negative thought spirals

In this week’s Mindful Monday Meditation I selected Card 20 from the Shine your light self-rediscovery coaching cards.

It’s all about bringing awareness to your negative thought spirals. Did you know that it takes 3 positive thoughts to counter balance a negative thought? I find that a sobering thought!!!

Listen to this episode to find out more about negative thought patterns and how they are established. Find out about the power of attracting positive thoughts and how mindfulness plays a role in achieving this.

I also share details of a thoughts tracker that you can download to observe and understand your thoughts as well as a quick practical exercise to stop those negative thoughts in their tracks.

I’d love to hear how you get on. Drop me your thoughts in the comments.

Keep shining and reaching for your best!

#negativethoughts #positivethoughts #mindfulness


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