EVERY New Shadow Stage We Could Get In SonicXShadow Generations!

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Intro By Paulygon:

Outro: Qumu Pikmin “Today’s Results” Remix-

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27 thoughts on “EVERY New Shadow Stage We Could Get In SonicXShadow Generations!”

  1. I was a bit suspicious of when we saw shadow's gameplay because it looked like it plays like the cyberspace stages but there is one shot where we see him running to the left fighting the bio lizard but it's not in a true 2d perspective. which hints to me that the controls are based in frontiers open zone gameplay which is awesome.

  2. My best guesses, probably way off:

    – Space Colony Ark (because we saw it)

    – Westopolis/Radical Highway (because I think what we saw was a remix of the two)

    – The Black Comet (since Black Doom is the big bad)

    – Rail Canyon (since its where Shadow learned about the Androids)

    – Sky Rail (its one of the only four stages Shadow has in SA2)

    – Prison Island/White Jungle (the other Shadow stage from SA2, but irradiated like the return to Prison Island was in ShTH)

    – Sky Troops/Egg Fleet (one of the most iconic Shadow stages, which remixes very naturally with one of the most iconic Heroes stages)

    – Digital Circuit/Mad Matrix (just squeezing in this one for Shadow's cyberspace stuff being a fan-favourite aesthetic)

    – Dusty Desert (having a hoard of Black Arms here would be a nice little reference to Mephiles if they can't have him in the game)

  3. My stage wishlist
    Sonic Adventure 2: Radical Highway (Pretty much soft-confirmed at this point), White Jungle, Sky Rail and Final Chase (also probably what's in the trailer)
    Shadow the Hedgehog: Westopolis (probably the one in the trailer merged with Radical Highway) Glyphic Canyon/Sky Troops and Lava Shelter
    Heroes: Grand Metropolis/Power Plant, Casino Park/Bingo Highway, Rail Canyon/Bullet Station (this one could be merged with Sky Rail), Hanged Castle/Mystic Mansion and Egg Fleet/Final Fortress
    Sonic 06: White Acropolis, Kingdom Valley, Flame Core, Aquatic Base and Dusty Desert
    Sonic Forces: Sunset Heights, Luminous Forest, Metropolitan Highway and Mortar Canyon

    As for my boss battles wishlist:
    SA2: Sonic and The Biolizard/ The FinalHazard
    Heroes: Egg Hawk, Egg Alabatross and Egg Emperor
    Sonic 06: Iblis and Mephiles
    Sonic Forces: Infinite

  4. These are my boss predictions:

    1. Rival battle: Sonic (probably quite alot like the shadow fight in sonic adventure 2)

    2. Black Dooms Eye (like shown in the trailer)

    3. Rival battle: Eggman (maybe a remake/combination of an important 3d eggman fight from one of shadows games)

    4. Mephiles (quite like the final mephiles fight in sonic 06)

    5. Rival battle: Shadow Android (idk for this one 😐)

    6. Biolizard (like shown in trailer)

    7. Final Boss: Black Doom Final Phase or smthn like that idk

  5. My hopes on the new content for this game [This is a long one]:

    1) Shadow's portion (assuming it'll have the same structure as the original Generations):

    -Portion 1: SA2 [calling them portions and not eras since I'll be dividing them into Shadow's story arcs]:
    >Radical Highway
    > White Jungle
    > Final Rush (or whatever his ARK's stage was called)
    > Rival 1: Sonic (they could reuse the rival battle from base gens or recreate their fight in Prison Island)
    > Boss 1: The Biolizard

    -Portion 2: Heroes/ShTH
    >Rail Canyon/Bullet Station (since this is where Shadow finds out about the androids)
    > Westopolis
    > The Black Comet
    > Rival 2: either The Egg Albatross or The Gun Commander in one of his mechs
    > Boss 2: Black Doom

    -Portion 3: 06
    >White Acropolis
    >Aquatic Base or Wave Ocean
    >Dusty Desert
    >Rival 3: Maybe Silver (in Radical Train)
    >Boss 3: Mephiles

    >Final Boss: I hope that both Mephiles and Black Doom pull a "this isn't my final form" and fight Shadow together.

    2) Gens (assuming they'll put new stages then we should have 2 new eras):

    -Era 1: Green Hill (Tails) -> Stardust Speedway (Amy) -> Chemical Plant (Mighty) -> Rival1: Metal Sonic -> Boss1: The Death Egg Robot.

    -Era 2: Sky Sanctuary (Knux) -> Mirage Saloon or Press Garden [We already have enough city levels thus no Studiopolis] (Ray) -> Speed Jungle (Trip) -> Rival 2: Fang -> Boss2: idc.

    -Era 3 and 4 are basically the dc and modern era from gens [maybe throw a Rush stage if they're feeling generous and Metal Overlord]

    -Era 5: Frozen Factory -> Eggman Empire Fortress -> Chaos Island (or any island?) -> Rival5: Sage (as she could be helping her father) -> Boss5: Infinite (He REALLY needs to be redeemed and maybe have a joint bossfight alongside Shadow)

    ->Final Boss: Time Eater (hope they fix him)

  6. You keep saying the "Ark in Space" almost enough to make me think Shadow's gonna have to go through memories of when he fought a whole bunch of green bubblewrap. 😀

    I'd expect the most important stage in Heroes for Shadow's story is actually Lost Jungle because it's where he encountered Sonic for the first time after losing his memories. On the gameplay side it was also full of tough enemies that would allow the player to use those powers and abilities the Steam blurb mentions.
    It could also make sense to mash it up with White Jungle since both of them are foresty areas where he met and battled Sonic before really knowing who Sonic was.

    If the game includes anything from '06 I would expect to see Flame Core or Aquatic Base. Both would allow Sonic Team to re-use a whole bunch of assets from the main Crisis City stage while still feeling like very different places. And both are important to Shadow's story in that game, as the place where he first fought Mephiles, and the place where he solved the game's mystery.

  7. If you didn't really remember Shadow's levels in Sonic Forces, then you really should've done literally any amount of research. He doesn't play most of the levels you listed and he doesn't fight Infinite.

  8. The other games that could have been mentioned as possible candidates for levels or even references are, Sonic Battle, Sonic Rivals 1&2, Sonic Free Riders, and Sonic Runners & Runners Adventure. Those games all feature Shadow as both a playable character, and as a part of the story so they are candidates for content to be added.

  9. Было бы круто, если бы, SONIC TEAM сделала отдельную игру про Шедоу и остальных персонажей, а не тупо ремастер игры "Sonic Generations", в которой будет игра про Шедоу, и то, возможно там будет мало уровней. Мне не нравится нынешняя политика SONIC TEAM.

  10. Adding onto the Egg Fleet/Final Fortress stuff, it would also make sense since that's where the Shadow Androids are kept, and the Shadow Androids became very important in Shadow The Hedgehog, so Egg Fleet/Final Fortress could involve him facing off against his mechanized duplicates once again.

  11. Okay, assuming the same number of stages and bosses(aside from Time Eater) as Generations…

    1: Radical Highway
    2: Final Chase
    3: Rail Canyon
    Rival Battle: Sonic
    Boss: Biolizard
    4: Westopolis
    5: an Ark stage
    6: Black Comet
    Rival Battle: Metal Sonic 3.0
    Boss: Mephiles
    7: White Acropolis
    8: Blue Coast?
    9: Sunset City
    Rival Battle: Infinite
    Final Boss: Doom's Eye


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