Epic Fantasia Unleashed: Nightwish's 'Storytime' Live at Wacken 2013 #RetrotoMetroReactions

Nightwish’s live rendition of “Storytime” at Wacken 2013 is a symphonic spectacle, a grandiose celebration of storytelling through music. This performance encapsulates the essence of adventure, with each chord and chorus weaving together tales of wonder and wild imagination. The energy of the crowd and the band’s flawless execution create a moment of pure magic, a testament to Nightwish’s power to enchant and captivate. “Storytime” live is more than a performance; it’s a gateway to a realm where music molds myths and legends, leaving us spellbound in its wake.

#NightwishNostalgia #WackenWonders #SymphonicSagas #EpicEnchantment #LiveLegends


29 thoughts on “Epic Fantasia Unleashed: Nightwish's 'Storytime' Live at Wacken 2013 #RetrotoMetroReactions”

  1. Try Ayreon – The Day That The World Breaks Down – The Source (2017) https://youtu.be/oFuMKdrzPqU

    And Ayreon – Valley of the Queens (Anneke van Giersbergen, Floor Jansen, Marcela Bovio) https://youtu.be/TbebO5BZi-I

    Or Star One – Fate of Man (Brittney Slayes, Michael Romeo) https://youtu.be/vn7P3oVMnys

    Or Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution – Golden Age Of Music (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/7nymQkZHs1k

    Or Ambeon – Ashes (Simone Simons) (Electric Castle Live And Other Tales) https://youtu.be/ZLR3aTqlBNg

    Or Guilt Machine – Twisted Coil (Damian Wilson) (Electric Castle And Other Tales) https://youtu.be/gcHn0kCgmAs

    And Lucassen & Soeterboek's Plan Nine – Before The Morning Comes (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/2l0-yHau5QY?si=A5Auu0rhtHgEMTSX

    #themeaningoflifeistogivelifemeaning 🤘

  2. This is our Valkyrie Goddess for you. And you witnessed first hand a "Dutch Windmill" , and to finish you off, The Operatic "Cruise Missile" !!!!

    Floor has 3 distinct styles. Head banging(straight forward, then back), hair whip(almost like cracking a bull whip) and the Windmill(continuous 360 degree revolutions). Why Windmill? Well she is Dutch.

    Awesome tune , although it is kind of a pop/rockish sound (originally sung by Anette, the second singer of Nightwish), but Floor gave it soooo much POWER !!! Including this "Operatic" part, what was originally done by children's choir because vocal limitations on their second singer (Great singer also, I might add), but Floor has none of that "Limit".

    Nightwish lyrics are often a bit interpretive, and not as "straight forward" as many other bands, because Tuomas ( The Metal Mozart Tuomas Holopainen: founder, leader, keyboardist, songwriter and the main composer for Nightwish.) prefers people to put their own interpretations and life experiences into the lyrics. you connect with songs on a personal level when there is something there that relates to things you have gone/are going through, and you may even find new connections later on in life when you have gone through other big events/emotions. there might be songs you are quite indifferent about (oh, nice song) and then you go through something big and all of a sudden it makes you break down in tears because now you relate to something in the lyrics you didn't before, and see it from a whole new perspective. imagination and life experiences are powerful, and Tuomas has great appreciation of this.

    NWSU/FloorFan 🤘😎🤘.

  3. Started listening to Nightwish almost 3 years back, had never heard of them previously. Been listening to music for over 5 decades, love all different types, and grew up during the classic rock era. All I can say is this band with Floor blew me away. Went down the rabbit whole and still going down it. One of the few bands I have to try to find a bad song.

  4. Great for the shoutout to our favorite pirate drummer Jukka (pronounced Yooka). Sadly he had to step down from drumming for health reasons. He has chronic insomnia. He is still part of Nightwish in a business capacity. We miss you so much Jukka! Kai is a great drummer but Jukka is just so animated. And you haven't met Troy yet!!! He is a multi-instrumentalist. His Irish bagpipe and his low whistle just add something extra!

  5. Beautiful reaction ❤ The more you listen, the more you' ll fall in love with all the colours they have. So did I and it never gets boring!

    You like the drumming and Floor with a different style of singing, then please try Weak fantasy live at Tampere ( more metal).
    Or 7 days to the wolves live at Wembley 2015.

    You like a folky dancing gig, then listen to
    I want my tears back live at Buenos Aires 2018

  6. Hello

    I have some info on Floor Jansen for you here.

    She is married to Hannes Van Dahl, drummer of the Swedish power metal band Sabaton. Together they have 2 daughters (Freja & Lucy)

    Floor Jansen is a soprano, with a range of more than 3 octaves (C3 to F6). Re-singing style ranges from opera to screams and grunts. She usually sings in English, in addition she has also sung songs in Dutch, German, Spanish, Finnish, Latin, Italian and Swedish.

    Jansen was the singer of the Dutch metal band After Forever from 1997 to early 2009. From 1999 she studied at the Rockacademie in Tilburg with classmates Jacqueline Govaert and Danny Vera, where she graduated in 2003. In addition to her activities at After Forever, she cool singing lessons. She plays guitar, piano and flute. On May 5, 2010, she presented her new band ReVamp, which was disbanded in September 2016.

    From 1 October 2012 Jansen replaced Anette Olzon as singer of Nightwish during the Imaginaerum World Tour. On October 9, 2013, it was announced that she would be the group's regular new front singer. In 2015, Nightwish released the album Endless Forms Most Beautiful with Jansen as lead singer. Nightwish's second studio album with Jansen as front singer, Human. :II: Nature., was released in April 2020.

    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  7. Welcome to the Nightwish Army Private Charlene. You may not have realised, but you have just signed up to many years of discovering and enjoying the best written, the best arranged, the best performed and the best sung music. You will experience more emotions than you thought possible from music: you will cry, and then want more so that you can cry again; you will smile, and then want more so that you can smile again; you will listen in disbelief, and then want more so that you can listen again;. Each new song you listen to will become your favourite, until you revisit them again when you will agree that the one you are currently listening to now is your favourite. Then Captain Charlene you will sign up for another tour of duty because you cannot imagine a world without the music of Nightwish – Past, Present and Future – in it I know this to be true, because I was once you.

  8. 🎶 Nightwish Live at Wacken Open Air 2013 🎶 Correct speed – FullHD – Remastered 🎶( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzcy3a9q8_0&list=PLexzLA11Cst1G4E0D61rAnWvnDF4zIz8M )

    Setlist: 1. Dark Chest of Wonders, 2. Wish I Had an Angel, 3. She is My Sin, 4. Ghost River, 5. Ever Dream, 6. Storytime, 7. I Want My Tears Back, 8. Nemo, 9. Last of the Wilds,

    10. Bless the Child, 11. Romanticide, 12. Amaranth, 13. Ghost Love Score, 14. Song of Myself, 15. Last Ride of the Day 🎶🎶🎶 Epic concert! 🎶🎶🎶

    Audience in this concert was 82k+

  9. Floor’s presence and superb talent and the bands perfectionist live performances and energy are second to none. They always amaze on all levels 🤘🤘
    Riding the Nightwish express. It takes you away. You don’t know where they’ll take you but you know it going to be friggin’ epic.🤘🤘

  10. 😍👍💥💯🎼
    Indeed the whole band is tight AF, day by day, from month to another, year after year…
    It surely might take some time to digest in the "formula" on their compositions. The familiar their music gets, more enjoyable it is hearing them.
    Nicely done mi lady and keep on rockin´ with this magical band.
    Cheers from Finland.


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