Ep235 Billionaire Gary Heavin Urges Patriots to Rise up Against the Tyrants No Matter the Cost

“A strong America is the only thing standing in the way of the New World Order,” declares Gary Heavin, the successful founder of the popular Curves fitness franchise. This patriotic businessman became a billionaire at age 50, but his most amazing accomplishments happen when he is spending time serving the Lord while serving others. Gary explains how the world is engaged in a battle of good versus evil. Now is the time for heroes to rise up and face evil head on. He shares about his amazing experience rescuing people in Haiti after the devastating earthquake as well as the destruction of Hurricane Matthew. Gary also talks about his eye-opening film, Amerigeddon, which depicts a future where globalists take down the U.S. power grid and declare martial law. The movie’s mission is to wake people up so they are prepared to fight!


God is calling us to go into His presence because that is where we will find peace

If your goal is to obey the Holy Spirit, you will have purpose in your life

For every ten people who can handle poverty, there is only one person who can handle wealth

Gary routinely prays for protection, provision, and an opportunity for evangelism


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