Petito attorney 'shocked' by language in Laundrie 'burn after reading' letter | NewsNation Prime

A court recently ruled the controversial “burn after reading” letter from Brian Laundrie’s mother can be considered evidence in the civil trial between the parents of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie. Pat Reilly, the attorney representing Gabby’s parents, says he was “shocked by the language in the letter” and that it “adds another layer” to the case.

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20 thoughts on “Petito attorney 'shocked' by language in Laundrie 'burn after reading' letter | NewsNation Prime”

  1. These people are grasping at straws. It's pathetic enough to use your dead daughter as a source of income. This entire lawsuit is nonsense from the ground up. Its based off a statement made by an attorney, but the attorney didn't write the letter. 2 different people. Even if the laundrie's knew, that doesn't assume the attorney did too at the time of the statement.

  2. DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY is the least description. I think his mom is a narcissist with an unhealthy relationship with her son that left him twisted & sick. I hope they suffer the consequences.

  3. I think the parents suspected she was dead and that's why the mother wrote the letter…so that he'd feel comfortable enough to share the truth with them.

  4. confirmation bias is what it is, I don't see anything wrong with this letter but I can see how anybody who is desperate to find anything wrong would twist this in a way to support their claims despite getting the context completely wrong. The letter is what the letter is, the FBI even didn't think it was anything of significance, just a letter from a mother to her son telling him how much they loved him, even under the worst cases that she would always love him, I don't see how there is anything wrong with that unless you have some confirmation bias. Truth be told, Petitos need to move on and stop suing everybody in the world, the damage is done. The kids from both families are already dead, doesn't help to keep the pain and suffering dragging along just for some money and publicity. Move the F on, you're beating a dead horse and it looks bad

  5. This mother/son relationship is not normal and not healthy. The one part of this case that leaves a big question mark for me is that first trip home he made when Gabby was still alive. I think there’s way more to that trip than what was reported (cleaning out a storage unit). It was no secret that one or both of his parents were not fond of Gabby. For certain, his mother did not like her…the dad probably got caught up in whatever the mother’s stance was. I wonder if something wasn’t hatched on that trip home between mother and son that was the impetus for him to return to Gabby and finish her off. There is more to this story that maybe the authorities don’t know about…but Roberta knows the truth.

  6. My comment isn't here? My comment was that his mother should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Her letter proves that she knew that he was going to kill Gabby and that she wanted that to happen plus that she would dispose of the body and help him break out of jail. Love for her son or not, these are criminal admissions.

  7. The letter talking about criminal acts: Seriously, people, that's a whole lot of nothing. I've said to my kids their whole lives, if someone's being mean to them or they're being bullied or whatever, "Want me to get my sniper rifle?" or "Is there anyone I need to assassinate?" or "Need me to take care of them? I know people." It makes them laugh, feel lighter, and lets them know I've got their back. So the whole, "I'll bring a shovel/bake a cake with a shiv" thing is no biggie. People are making a mountain out of a molehill.
    What is NOT ok is to know your son has killed someone, to not turn him in, to hide that fact from her parents who are BEGGING to know where their daughter is, to lie to them to cover up for your son, and to lawyer up. That is cruel and inhumane, and they absolutely need to face the consequences for that.
    To my mind the letter is a pretty flimsy thing on which to build a case. I hope the Petito's lawyers are not doing that. As a modicum of evidence showing the Laundrie's mindset and how they would go all out for their kid: yes. As evidence that Mrs. Laundrie was saying she would help bury specifically Gabby's body: No.

  8. I'm surprised by all the commenting sanctimonious people who never joked .. About a file in a cake. Any readers in the pool? Classics — Poe perhaps? Folks can't even stay on topic.

    I think the letter was written by an intelligent person to her son before the trip. The Laundries have been prosecuted unjustly by the Petitos. Yes, they knew their son, yes they knew Gabby wasn't with him in her van, yes they knew he couldn't be trusted not to lie. They did what was smart — they provided tough love — they hired an attorney.

    The rest is just people making it up to fit their narrative. Gabby lived with the Laundries, she told them things. Where were the Petitos then?

  9. I'm curious, when did the mom write the letter? Did she send it by mail, put it under his pillow or hand it to him? Why write a letter when you can speak with your son over the phone or in person? What was going on that she had to physically write a letter? Did she always write letters to him or is this a one-off? Did she write letters to her daughter too with similar language?

  10. im actually not surprised about her letter. i had an abusive bf in highschool and his mother was the same way. she was abusive and unstable herself, and had a certain type of man she always attracted…abusive. when he was finally arrested and made to go to court for trying to kill me, she actually mocked me and my family and blamed me. brians mother obviously knew gabby was dead. she should be charged as accessory.


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