Entitled Jerk PUNCHES Me & Tries To Get Me Off My Flight Seat Bc I Won't Give Up My 1st Class Seat!

NEXT STORY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLsUQH_1nh8&list=PLXGeVKSzGQRwrTtRRMo-FbozyahP1krjj

#EntitledPeople #Krown #ProRevenge #Karen

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Time Stamps:
00:00 – Intro
00:16 – Story 1
06:13 – Story 2
10:07 – Story 3
15:33 – Story 4

– Background Music Created by Kevin Macleod.
– Background Videos from Pixabay.


33 thoughts on “Entitled Jerk PUNCHES Me & Tries To Get Me Off My Flight Seat Bc I Won't Give Up My 1st Class Seat!”

  1. What_s with all the comments making the sister & parents arseholes for the soccer-playing girl's medical bills?
    She was given ample warning that any injuries would be her own responsibility, then goes drama queen when her parents held to the deal.
    They were good enough to pay her way through college & that's where their obligations end.
    She's lucky they did that much for such an entitled brat.

  2. I get a real sense of entitlement coming off the people who say the parents were wrong. It's the same type of entitlement that you see coming from people who demand student loan forgiveness from the government.

  3. I wonder where Leah and her family lived that they had no health insurance. People do share a lot of personal information on social sites. In the USA outstanding members of sports teams can get full scholarships to college.

  4. At 70, I am in pretty good shape, no issues with ankles, knees, or hips. I attribute that in great part to never having participated in any contact sport in school. And for those who say sports can be a way to pay for college, just remember that you are one injury (or illness) away from never playing again.

  5. I am amazed at the extent of entitlement I have seen in the comments on the last story. The parents clearly had limited funds, and explained the whole plan and the risks to the daughter. her decision, her risk!

  6. Back when I was a teenager I lived with my grandmother in a second floor apartment. There was an old lady living under us. When I got a small kitten she started complaining about the noise. She said my kitten sounded like a horse running around. Our floors had thick rugs on the floor. She must have had Superman's super hearing to hear that kitten.

  7. Soccer- I'm not sure where all these commenters are thinking from. The parents did not deny medical treatment. They laid out how they would have to pay for what is after all a voluntary extracurricular s possible consequences in advance and then followed through. She has no basis for complaint after the fact. Too many youngsters today think they can live life without consequences ,and life doesn't work this way. It only seems like it does because someone else has been paying the price for them. PS there is a difference between random illness/injury, and voluntarily putting yourself in a position to get hurt.

  8. Final story: If what the writer(age 17) says is true, I'd say she's definitely NTA! Yes, sports are definitely a good extra at college, but there are always risks involved in games such as soccer or any other field team game. From her story, their parents warned the elder sister that they could not afford to pay for both her college fees AND medical fees if she was injured. She is then posting – inaccurately that her parents didn't pay her medical bills. I suspect that they did exactly as they said, and used the college money to do so, which now means that they can't afford to cover her college fees as well. Her comment wasn't fair to her parents, considering the previous warning. Also, she should consider herself lucky that her parents put money aside for their daughters' futures at all! There are plenty of people who have to put themselves through college with no help from their families at all, and end up paying back their loans over several years. And just for the record, I think the writers of the three comments that followed the story are all rather entitled AH's for their reactions – either that or they are not old enough to have kids and have no real idea of the expenses involved in either education or medical care.

  9. That second YTA on that last story is using some kinda stupid logic.
    "You could have had cancer. And then what? Boo hoo? You know the risks of being a person, and some people get cancer."

    The difference between getting cancer and getting hurt in soccer is that you can prevent yourself from getting hurt in soccer simply by not playing soccer. It's a lot harder to stop being a person to prevent yourself from getting cancer, if not straight up impossible. Not to mention that she doesn't really have the right to complain about it because she agreed to the terms and conditions her parents set for her concerning the college fund, that being if she gets hurt, the bills are coming from that fund. If she thought it would have been an issue, then she should have fought it before she agreed to it.

  10. Last story the parents did pay her med bills. They took it out of the money that they paid into her college fund. She didnt get lightly sick, she chose to take part in activity were she could be injured, and got injured. She was warned her, they obviously could afford tens of thousands in med bills and footing the bill for non mandatory schooling at a expensive university. Its okay for her to be angry and talk about its but she needs to suck it up and go to cheaper school.

  11. College sister story. Are the people who commented at the end of the video itself serious?! Like, just WTF? Especially the second commenter seems to have completely misunderstood the situation. The point they made is precisely what the parents had said all along! Sister gets hurt, we have to pay the medical bills – in which case there is no money left over for the college tuition. They weren't being mean or petty; they were pointing out a harsh reality to a daughter who they probably already realized ahead of time would turn out to be a spoiled entitled brat! OP had every right to question her sister's priorities (including bashing her parents – who were the same as the sister's; duh! – on a public forum). Imo the only asshole in this story is the soccer sister – that and the commenters in the video (haven't read the comments section here yet so not including anyone specifically responding to this video) who have her such flak. Imo that was just incredibly wrong-headed.

  12. Many of these commentators appear to be assuming that the parents in the last story have an infinite amount of money and are just being arbitrary. It seems more likely that the parents are saying we have X amount of money and you will determine how it is spent. That's not unreasonable. As a child I was very ill, which was costly, and my parents were by no means rich. Had it not been for scholarship money I would have never been able to attend college. Life is unfortunate, you have to deal with it.

  13. If a child is under 18 the parent is responsible you the medical care of their child until they are a legal adult.
    They could of got in a lot of terrible for child in danger entrance for not providing proper medical care for their child.
    They could of lost custody of you both and you both would of been removed from the home and placed with the state in foster care .
    I think what they did was terrible for Lea

  14. Last story: You are not the a-hole! Your sister is just being an entitled beach! She was told what the penalty was and made her decision! Now she’s the a-hole because she blew it when she made her choice! Cry me a river beach!

  15. The last story and the comments after …no you are not a jerk and neither are the parents the medical bills were paid but because they were not made of money they had to take it out of the college fund that they had for her hence she didn't have as much when she started college ,that is not the parents fault! she was lucky to have parents who made a college fund for her in the first place because there are a lot of parents who don't she should be thanking them for saving up for her at all because a great many people going to college are working their way through entirely on their own without any help from scholarships or parents.

  16. Story 4: YTA My understanding of the story is:
    1: The agreement between your parents and your sister was that if she were injured WHILE PLAYING SOCCER.
    2: The injury had nothing to do with soccer.
    If this is correct, then you and your parents are the AH's.


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